Atlas Runtime

Atlas Runtime APIs

Atlas is a high-level programming environment for non-volatile memory. In-memory objects can be persisted or made durable with relatively minor changes to code. There are 2 classes of APIs: persistent region APIs and consistency APIs. The first class is used to create/find/delete containers that store persistent data and can be found in include/atlas_alloc.h. The second class is used to convey data-consistency information to the system. Currently, this includes a durable section (demarcated by begin_durable and end_durable) and classical lock-based critical sections. See include/atlas_api.h for these interfaces. For examples of how to write a persistent program using Atlas, see runtime/tests/data_structures/


Atlas "runtime" uses cmake. cmake 3.1 is the minimum required version. The library build must be in a separate build directory. Assume that the top-level Atlas runtime directory is ATLAS_RUNTIME and the build directory is ATLAS_BUILD. First create ATLAS_BUILD. It is recommended to name this directory with the atlas build config, e.g. build-all, or build-all-persist. Invoke cmake within ATLAS_BUILD, passing the path to ATLAS_RUNTIME and any variables needed for the config. Example:

$ mkdir build-all
$ cd build-all
$ cmake ..
$ make

There are a number of modes for building the runtime. See runtime/CMakeLists.txt for the supported ones. For example, to turn on Atlas statistics, the cmake config line above should be:

$ cmake .. -DNVM_STATS=true

To rebuild Atlas runtime when changes are made to the sources, just invoke make again.


Persistent memory is simulated using Linux tmpfs, so make sure /dev/shm is available, has enough space, and has rwx permissions. After making, invoke <ATLAS_BUILD>/tests/run_quick_test to do some basic testing. For developers: make sure that <ATLAS_RUNTIME>/tools/run_tests passes before checking in.


ATLAS_RUNTIME has the following subdirectories:

include: contains the headers with exported interfaces. These are the only headers that should be included in applications.

src: the source files

src/internal_includes: internal header files

src/pregion_mgr: persistent region support

src/pmalloc: persistent allocator support

src/logger: support for logging updates to persistent memory

src/consistency: automatic computation of consistent states and log pruning

src/cache_flush: optimized cache line flush support

src/recover: support for recovery after a failure

src/util: common routines

tools: <ATLAS_RUNTIME>/tools/run_tests goes through a variety of build targets and does some basic testing for each of them.

tests: directory used for testing. Contains binaries, inputs, outputs, reference files, etc. See the READMEs in the individual subdirectories.