=============== Getting Started =============== 1. **Setup Configuration** Customize the :code:`dc_config.json` file to specify your DC environment settings. To learn more about the DC parameters you can customize, check :ref:`dcconf_ref` 2. **Environment Configuration** The main environment for wrapping the environments is :code:`sustaindc_env.py`, which reads configurations from the :code:`EnvConfig` class and manages the external data sources using managers for weather, carbon intensity, and workload. For instructions how to customize the enviroment configuration, check :ref:`mainconf_ref` 3. **Train Example:** Specify :code:`location` inside :code:`harl.configs.envs_cfgs.sustaindc.yaml`. Specify other algorithm hyperparameteres in :code:`harl.configs.algos_cfgs.happo.yaml`. User can also specify the choice of reinforcement learning vs baseline agents in the :code:`happo.yaml` .. code-block:: bash python train_sustaindc.py --algo happo --exp_name happo 4. **Evaluation Example:** To evaluate the trained model run: .. code-block:: bash python eval_sustaindc.py The results are stored in the :code:`SAVE_EVAL` folder. This can be modified inside :code:`eval_sustaindc.py` with other experiment identifiers such as :code:`checkpoint`, :code:`location` and :code:`run` 5. **Running in background mode** If you want to run the |F| framework in background mode use: .. code-block:: bash nohup python PYTHON_SCRIPT > OUTPUT_FILE.txt & where :code:`PYTHON_SCRIPT` is the script you want to run (e.g., :code:`train_sustaindc.py`) and :code:`OUTPUT_FILE` is the name of the file that will contain the output (e.g. :code:`latest_experiment_output`) 6. **Monitor the results** The training logs and the results of each trial are stored in the specified local directory, under a sub-folder called :code:`results` and can be visualized with TensorBoard by specifying the output directory of the results Example: .. code-block:: bash tensorboard --logdir ./results/dcrl//happo A detailed description of the configurations are provided in the :ref:`usage_ref` section.