About the time of netperf revision 1.8, as I added more test suites, I
started running-out of letters for command line options. So, the command
line options were split into two - "global" and "test-specific." The two
are separated by a "--" as should be at least briefly explained inthe
netperf -h output.
I'm reasonably sure that is also discussed somewhere towards the
beginning of the netperf.ps manual. If not, please let me know which
revision you are using.
In any event the -m and -s options are test-specific, so they would
appear in the output of something like "netperf -t TCP_STREAM -- -h"
rick jones
-- these opinions are mine, all mine; HP might not want them anyway... :) feel free to email, or post, but please do not do both... my email address is raj in the cup.hp.com domain...