Netperf for NT4.0

Michael Eklund (
Wed, 05 May 1999 17:37:39 +0200

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Does anyone have a compiled version of netperf, for NT4.0, where it is
to vary the burst intervals, e.g. compiled with flag -DINTERVALS.

The problem is that I havn't got any compiler software for my NT so I
can't build
anything myself.

// Michael

Michael Eklund, KI/ERA/RB/G       Phone: +46 8 75 730 66
Wideband Radio Network Systems    Fax: +46 8 40 437 00
Ericsson Radio Systems AB         MEMO: ERI.ERA.ERAMMED
S-164 80 Stockholm, SWEDEN

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Does anyone have a compiled version of netperf, for NT4.0, where it is possible
to vary the burst intervals, e.g. compiled with flag -DINTERVALS.

The problem is that I havn't got any compiler software for my NT so I can't build
anything myself.

// Michael

Michael Eklund, KI/ERA/RB/G       Phone: +46 8 75 730 66
Wideband Radio Network Systems    Fax: +46 8 40 437 00
Ericsson Radio Systems AB         MEMO: ERI.ERA.ERAMMED
S-164 80 Stockholm, SWEDEN