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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (C) Copyright [2021] Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from future import standard_library
from urllib.parse import quote
from copy import deepcopy


from hpeOneView.resources.resource import Resource
from hpeOneView.exceptions import HPEOneViewException

[docs]class Users(Resource): """ Users API client. """ URI = '/rest/users' def __init__(self, connection, data=None): super(Users, self).__init__(connection, data) self.__default_values = { 'type': 'UserAndRoles' }
[docs] def validate_user_name(self, user_name, timeout=-1): """ Verifies if a userName is already in use. Args: user_name (str): The userName to be verified. timeout: Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation in OneView, just stops waiting for its completion. Returns: True if user name is in use, False if it is not. """ uri = self.URI + '/validateLoginName/' + user_name return self.create(uri=uri)
[docs] def validate_full_name(self, full_name, timeout=-1): """ Verifies if a fullName is already in use. Args: full_name (str): The fullName to be verified. timeout: Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation in OneView, just stops waiting for its completion. Returns: True if full name is in use, False if it is not. """ uri = self.URI + '/validateUserName/' + full_name return self.create(uri=uri)
[docs] def change_password(self, resource): """ Change one's own password Args: resource (dict): Object to change password timeout: Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation in OneView, just stops waiting for its completion. """ uri = self._helper.build_uri('changePassword') return self._helper.create(resource, uri)
[docs] def get_role_associated_with_userName(self, userName): """ Gets a user by userName. Args: name (str): userName of the user. Returns: dict object: User """ users = self.get_all() result = [x for x in users if x['userName'] == userName] resource = result[0] if result else None if resource: uri = self.URI + '/role/' + userName data = self.get_by_uri(uri).data result = data['members'] return result else: return None
[docs] def get_by_userName(self, name): """ Gets a complete json body for username Args: name (str): userName of the user Returns: dict object: User """ uri = self._helper.build_uri(name) try: resource = self.get_by_uri(uri) except HPEOneViewException: resource = None return resource
[docs] def get_user_by_role(self, rolename): """ Gets all the users associated with this role Args: rolename (str): rolename of the user Returns: list: User """ rolename = quote(rolename) uri = self.URI + '/roles/users/' + rolename data = self.get_by_uri(uri).data result = [] for i in range(0, len(data['members'])): result.append(data["members"][i]) return result
[docs] def create_multiple_user(self, data): """ Create a multiple user Agrs: data (list): multiple user Returns: dict object: User """ uri = self.URI + '?multiResource=true' return self.create(data, uri)
[docs] def update(self, data=None, timeout=-1, custom_headers=None, force=False): """ Makes a PUT request to update a resource when a request body is required. Args: data (dict): Data to update the resource. timeout: Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation in OneView; it just stops waiting for its completion. custom_headers: Allows to add custom HTTP headers. force: Force the update operation. Returns: A dict with the updated resource data. """ resource = deepcopy( resource.update(data) = self._helper.update(resource, self.URI, force, timeout, custom_headers) return self
[docs] def add_role_to_userName(self, username, data): """ Add roles to a given user name Args: username (str): userName of the user data (list): roles to be added Returns: dict object: User """ uri = self.URI + '/' + username + '/roles?multiResource=true' return self.create(data, uri)
[docs] def update_role_to_userName(self, username, data): """ Update roles to a given user name Agrs: username (str): username of the user data (list): roles to be updated Return: dict: User """ uri = self.URI + '/' + username + '/roles?multiResource=true' return self._helper.update(data, uri)
[docs] def remove_role_from_username(self, username, data): """ Removes a specified role from the username Args: username (str): username of the user data (str/list): list role to be removed from user Return: boolean """ rolelist_query = self.query_filter(data) uri = self.URI + '/roles?filter' + '="userName=\'{}\'{}'.format(username, rolelist_query) return self._helper.delete(uri)
[docs] def delete_multiple_user(self, data): """ Delete the multiple users Args: data (list): List of users to be deleted Returns: None """ uri = self.URI + '?query=' for i in range(0, len(data)): uri = uri + '(loginname=\'{}\')'.format(data[i]) if i == len(data) - 1: break uri = uri + quote(' or ') self._helper.delete(uri)
[docs] def query_filter(self, filters): formated_filter = '' base_query = "\"&filter=\"roleName=\'{}\'\"" if isinstance(filters, list): for role in filters: formated_filter += base_query.format(quote(role)) return formated_filter if isinstance(filters, str): return base_query.format(quote(filters))