hpOneView.resources.uncategorized package


hpOneView.resources.uncategorized.os_deployment_plans module

class hpOneView.resources.uncategorized.os_deployment_plans.OsDeploymentPlans(connection, data=None)[source]

Bases: hpOneView.resources.resource.Resource

URI = u'/rest/os-deployment-plans/'

Create method not available for this resource


Delete method is not avaialble for this resource

get_all(start=0, count=-1, filter=u'', query=u'', sort=u'')[source]

Retrieves the list of registered Os Deployment plans.

  • start – The first item to return, using 0-based indexing. If not specified, the default is 0 - start with the first available item.
  • count – The number of resources to return. A count of -1 requests all items. The actual number of items in the response might differ from the requested count if the sum of start and count exceeds the total number of items.
  • filter (list or str) – A general filter/query string to narrow the list of items returned. The default is no filter; all resources are returned.
  • query – A general query string to narrow the list of resources returned. The default is no query - all resources are returned.
  • sort – The sort order of the returned data set. By default, the sort order is based on create time with the oldest entry first.

Os Deployment plans

Return type:



Update method is not available for this resource

hpOneView.resources.uncategorized.os_deployment_servers module

class hpOneView.resources.uncategorized.os_deployment_servers.OsDeploymentServers(con)[source]

Bases: object

URI = u'/rest/deployment-servers'
add(resource, timeout=-1)[source]

Adds a Deployment Server using the information provided in the request body. Note: The type of the Deployment Server is always assigned as “Image streamer”.

  • resource (dict) – Deployment Manager resource.
  • timeout – Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation in OneView, just stop waiting for its completion.

The added resource.

Return type:


delete(resource, force=False, timeout=-1)[source]

Deletes a Deployment Server object based on its UUID or URI.

  • resource (dict) – Object to delete.
  • force – If set to true, the operation completes despite any problems with network connectivity or errors on the resource itself. The default is false.
  • timeout – Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation in OneView; it just stops waiting for its completion.

Indicates if the volume was successfully deleted.

Return type:



Get the details of the particular OS Deployment Server based on its URI or ID.

Parameters:id_or_uri – Can be either the Os Deployment Server ID or the URI
Returns:Os Deployment Server
Return type:dict
get_all(start=0, count=-1, filter=u'', fields=u'', query=u'', sort=u'', view=u'')[source]

Gets a list of Deployment Servers based on optional sorting and filtering, and constrained by start and count parameters.

  • start – The first item to return, using 0-based indexing. If not specified, the default is 0 - start with the first available item.
  • count – The number of resources to return. A count of -1 requests all items. The actual number of items in the response might differ from the requested count if the sum of start and count exceeds the total number of items.
  • filter (list or str) – A general filter/query string to narrow the list of items returned. The default is no filter; all resources are returned.
  • fields – Specifies which fields should be returned in the result set.
  • query – A general query string to narrow the list of resources returned. The default is no query - all resources are returned.
  • sort – The sort order of the returned data set. By default, the sort order is based on create time with the oldest entry first.
  • view – Return a specific subset of the attributes of the resource or collection, by specifying the name of a predefined view. The default view is expand - show all attributes of the resource and all elements of collections of resources.

Os Deployment Servers

Return type:


get_appliance(id_or_uri, fields=u'')[source]

Gets the particular Image Streamer resource based on its ID or URI.

  • id_or_uri – Can be either the Os Deployment Server ID or the URI
  • fields – Specifies which fields should be returned in the result.

Image Streamer resource.

Return type:



Gets the particular Image Streamer resource based on its name.

Parameters:appliance_name – The Image Streamer resource name.
Returns:Image Streamer resource.
Return type:dict
get_appliances(start=0, count=-1, filter=u'', fields=u'', query=u'', sort=u'', view=u'')[source]

Gets a list of all the Image Streamer resources based on optional sorting and filtering, and constrained by start and count parameters.

  • start – The first item to return, using 0-based indexing. If not specified, the default is 0 - start with the first available item.
  • count – The number of resources to return. A count of -1 requests all items. The actual number of items in the response might differ from the requested count if the sum of start and count exceeds the total number of items.
  • filter (list or str) – A general filter/query string to narrow the list of items returned. The default is no filter; all resources are returned.
  • fields – Specifies which fields should be returned in the result set.
  • query – A general query string to narrow the list of resources returned. The default is no query - all resources are returned.
  • sort – The sort order of the returned data set. By default, the sort order is based on create time with the oldest entry first.
  • view – Return a specific subset of the attributes of the resource or collection, by specifying the name of a predefined view. The default view is expand - show all attributes of the resource and all elements of collections of resources.

Image Streamer resources associated with the Deployment Servers.

Return type:


get_by(field, value)[source]

Gets all Os Deployment Servers that match the filter. The search is case-insensitive.

  • field – field name to filter
  • value – value to filter

Os Deployment Servers

Return type:



Gets the Os Deployment Server by name.

Parameters:name – Name of the Os Deployment Server
Returns:Os Deployment Server
Return type:dict

Gets a list of all the One View networks.

Return type:list
update(resource, force=False, timeout=-1)[source]

Updates the Deployment Server resource. The properties that are omitted (not included as part of the request body) are ignored.

  • resource (dict) – Object to update.
  • force – If set to true, the operation completes despite any problems with network connectivity or errors on the resource itself. The default is false.
  • timeout – Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation in OneView, just stops waiting for its completion.

Updated resource.

hpOneView.resources.uncategorized.unmanaged_devices module

class hpOneView.resources.uncategorized.unmanaged_devices.UnmanagedDevices(con)[source]

Bases: object

URI = u'/rest/unmanaged-devices'
add(information, timeout=-1)[source]

Adds an unmanaged device resource based upon the attributes specified. Use this method to create an unmanaged device to represent resources that consume space within a rack, or consume power from a power delivery device but cannot otherwise be represented by the management appliance.

  • information – Unmanaged Device information
  • timeout – Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation in OneView; it just stops waiting for its completion.

Added Unmanaged Device

Return type:



Gets a single Unmanaged Device resource based upon its uri or id.

Parameters:id_or_uri – Can be either the Unmanaged Device id or the uri
Returns:The Unmanaged Device
Return type:dict
get_all(start=0, count=-1, filter=u'', query=u'', sort=u'')[source]

Gets a set of unmanaged device resources according to the specified parameters. Filters can be used to get a specific set of unmanaged devices. With no filters specified, the API returns a potentially paginated list of all the unmanaged device resources subject to start/count/sort parameters.

  • start – The first item to return, using 0-based indexing. If not specified, the default is 0 - start with the first available item.
  • count – The number of resources to return. A count of -1 requests all items. The actual number of items in the response might differ from the requested count if the sum of start and count exceeds the total number of items.
  • filter (list or str) – A general filter/query string to narrow the list of items returned. The default is no filter; all resources are returned.
  • query – A general query string to narrow the list of resources returned. The default is no query - all resources are returned.
  • sort – The sort order of the returned data set. By default, the sort order is based on create time with the oldest entry first.

Unmanaged Devices

Return type:


get_by(field, value)[source]

Gets all Unmanaged Devices that match the filter The search is case-insensitive

  • field – field name to filter
  • value – value to filter

Unmanaged Devices

Return type:



Returns a description of the environmental configuration (supported feature set, calibrated minimum & maximum power, location & dimensions, …) of the resource.

Parameters:id_or_uri – Can be either the Unmanaged Device id or the uri
Return type:dict
remove(resource, force=False, timeout=-1)[source]

Deletes the resource specified.

  • resource – Dict object to remove
  • force – If set to true, the operation completes despite any problems with network connectivity or errors on the resource itself. The default is false.
  • timeout – Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation in OneView; it just stops waiting for its completion.

operation success

Return type:


remove_all(filter, force=False, timeout=-1)[source]

Deletes the set of unmanaged-devices according to the specified parameters. A filter is required to identify the set of resources to be deleted.

  • filter – A general filter/query string to narrow the list of items that will be removed.
  • force – If set to true, the operation completes despite any problems with network connectivity or errors on the resource itself. The default is false.
  • timeout – Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation in OneView; it just stops waiting for its completion.

operation success

Return type:


update(resource, timeout=-1)[source]

Updates the resource for the specified. The properties that are omitted (not included as part of the the request body) are reset to their respective default values. The id and uuid properties are required and cannot be changed.

  • resource (dict) – Object to update
  • timeout – Timeout in seconds. Wait for task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation in OneView; it just stops waiting for its completion.

Updated Unmanaged Devices

Return type:


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