Setup a development environment
Pre requisites
Following tools need to be installed on your workstation:
- Docker
- Docker-compose
- Python 3.9
- Python virtualenv
- Poetry
- npm 8
System packages
Ubuntu based OS:
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev graphviz default-mysql-client libsqlite3-dev libsasl2-dev python3-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev
sudo yum install mysql-devel graphviz mysql libsq3-devel
Start a development environment
The development environment is composed of 4 parts:
- Docker compose: The Docker compose file is used to deploy all required components such as the database and the message broker
- Celery worker: The Celery worker is a separated process that receive tasks from the main Django process to be executed asynchronously
- Celery beat: Celery beat is a periodic task scheduler that send task into the celery worker based on a frequency. This part is used by Squest to check the status of executed Tower job
- Django built in web server: Integrated web server used only for development purpose. main process of the application that serve the Web Ui and the API
Docker compose
Run the Docker compose file with only required services to bring up database, message broker and other required system
docker-compose up db phpmyadmin rabbitmq
Javascript libraries
Install JS libs (npm need to be installed)
npm install
Python environment
Initializing and installing python libraries with Poetry
poetry install
Go into the python virtual env
poetry shell
Create the database with Django migration script
python migrate
Collect static files
python collectstatic --noinput
Insert default data
python insert_default_data
Celery worker and periodic task scheduler
Run Celery process for async tasks from a new terminal
poetry shell
celery -A service_catalog worker -l info
Run Celery beat for periodic tasks from a new terminal
poetry shell
celery -A service_catalog worker --beat -l info
Django integrated web server
This next command should be executed from your IDE.
Run django dev server
poetry shell
python runserver
Settings are placed into the squest/
file which is a standard Django core settings file.
To clean all Celery pending tasks
poetry shell
celery -A restapi purge
Execute tests
Run unit tests
poetry shell
python test
Run code coverage
coverage run --source='.' test
# generate terminal report
coverage report
# generate HTML report
coverage html
phpMyAdmin is exposed on localhost:8082.
- server : db
- user : root
- password : p@ssw0rd