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An Operation is an action attached to a service that can be requested by the end user. A service in Squest has at least one operation of type "create" which allows to create an instance of the service. Operations of type "update" or "delete" can be then added to manage the lifecycle of created instances of the service.


Name Description
Name Short name of the operation
Description Small description of the operation
Job template Executed job template in the backend RHAAP/AWX server
Operation type Type of operation (Create, update, delete). Change the state of he instance after executing the operation
Process timeout Number of second to wait for a successful return from the executed job template
Auto accept If set to True a submitted request for this operation will be automatically accepted
Auto process If set to True an accepted request for this operation will be automatically processed
Enabled If set to True the operation can be requested from the UI and API
Admin operation If set to True the admin_request_on_instance permission is required to request this operation
Extra vars Set of extra vars as JSON
Default inventory ID ID of the RHAAP/AWX inventory to use by default. Leave blank to use the default Job Template inventory
Default limit Comma separated list of inventory host limits
Default tags Comma separated list of tags to use
Default skip tags Comma separated list of tags to skip
Default verbosity Verbosity level (integer)
Default job type Job type (Run or Check)
Default diff mode Default False. This is equivalent to Ansible's --diff mode in the CLI
Default credential IDs Comma separated list of credentials ID

Job template config

By default, Squest will execute the selected Job Template with the config as set in RHAAP/AWX.

If a field is configured to "Prompt on launch" in RHAAP/AWX, the administrator can override it from the "Process" page of an accepted request:

Overridable fields:

  • Inventory (ID)
  • Limit (hosts)
  • Tags
  • Skip tags
  • Verbosity
  • Job type
  • Diff mode (Show changes)
  • Credentials (Comma separated list of ID)

The "default" configuration set at operation level allow to automatically pre-fill the "Process" page with values.

Jinja templating can be used in the default value based on the current {{ request }} object as context. Examples can be retrieved in the dedicated documentation section. Full request object definition can be retrieved through the API documentation.

Default value precedence:

flowchart LR RHAAP/AWX(Default from RHAAP/AWX) --> Squest(Default from Squest) --> Process(Process request page)


Default inventory ID field is expecting an integer that correspond the the inventory ID in RHAAP/AWX.

Default credential IDs field is expecting a comma separated list of integer that correspond existings credentials ID in RHAAP/AWX.