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Survey validators

Survey validators are Python modules that can be added as plugin. It allows users to implement their own validation logic on a day1 or day2 operation against the full survey.

Creating survey validator

Create a Python file in SURVEY_VALIDATOR_PATH (default is plugins/survey_validators). Create Python class that inherit from SurveyValidator with a method validate_survey.

# plugins/survey_validators/
from service_catalog.forms.form_utils import SurveyValidator

class MyCustomValidatorFoo(SurveyValidator):
    def validate_survey(self):
        # Implement your own logic here

SurveyValidator attributes


This is a dict containing survey + request_comment. Keys are variable name.
type: dict

>>> print(self.survey)
  "request_comment": "commentary sent by user"
  "ram_gb": 8,
  "vcpu": 4


User requesting operation.
type: django.contrib.auth.models.User


Operation requested.
type: service_catalog.models.Operation


Instance targeted.
type: service_catalog.models.Instance


For day 1 operation self.instance is a FakeInstance object that contains only name and quota_scope without save method. The real Instance object is created after validation.

SurveyValidator method


Redefine it to implement your own logic.

fail(self, message, field="__all__")

Raise an exception and display message on UI/API.

Set validator to a form field

In Squest, edit an Operation to set validators. Multiples validators can be added, validators are executed in alphabetical order by script name and class name.


This validator will always fail if:

  • ram and cpu are both equal 1
  • It's not the weekend yet
from service_catalog.forms.form_utils import SurveyValidator
import datetime

class ValidatorForVM(SurveyValidator):
    def validate_survey(self):
        if self.survey.get("ram") == 1 and  self.survey.get("vcpu") == 1:
  "Forbidden: you cannot use ram=1 and cpu=1")

        weekday =        
        if weekday < 5:            
  "Sorry it's not the weekend yet")