# Configuring admin and user clusters

This section describes the configuration required for deploying admin and user clusters. This includes:

  • Common variables across all clusters
  • Default values that can be over-ridden on a cluster-by-cluster basis
  • General cluster configuration
  • Configuring static IPs for each cluster

Background reading material is available at https://cloud.google.com/anthos/gke/docs/on-prem/how-to/admin-user-cluster-basic.

# Common variables

The following variables are common across all clusters:

Variable File Description
gke_bundle_path all.yml The GKE on-prem bundle file contains all of the components in a particular release of GKE on-prem. Set the value of bundlepath to the absolute path of the admin workstation's bundle file.
Do not change. 'var/lib/gke/bundles/gke-onprem-vsphere-<<anthos_version>>-full.tgz'
gke_data_disk_name all.yml GKE on-prem creates a virtual machine disk (VMDK) to hold the Kubernetes object data for the admin cluster. The installer creates the VMDK for you, but you must provide a name for the VMDK (the .vmdk extension will be added). Any directory in the supplied path must be created before deployment. Not required when adding additional user clusters.
For example, 'test-deploy'.
gke_network_internal all.yml vSphere network for VMs

# Default configuration

These variables will be used for all clusters unless explicitly overridden in the gke_cluster_config:

Variable File Description
gke_cluster_resource_pool all.yml If you are using a non-default resource pool, provide the name of your vSphere resource pool. Provides a default value for the per-cluster field resource_pool.

For example, 'Anthos_1.4'
gke_cluster_gcp_region all.yml Provides a default value for the per-cluster fields logging_metric_gcp_region and audit_logging_gcp_region.

For example, 'us-east1'
gke_cluster_antiAffinity_enable all.yml Sets the antiAffinityGroups.enabled flag in the user cluster config.
Spreads nodes across at least three physical hosts (requires at least three hosts)
Defaults to true
gke_loadBalancerKind all.yml One of F5BigIP, Seesaw or ManualLB"
Only F5BigIP is currently supported
enable_vpc all.yml Provides a default value for the per-cluster field enable_vpc. Set to 'true' if you have your cluster's network controlled by a VPC. This ensures that all telemetry flows through Google's restricted IP addresses.

One of 'true' or 'false'
enable_cloudrun all.yml Provides a default value for the per-cluster field enable_cloudrun.

One of 'true' or 'false'

# Cluster configuration

General cluster config is supplied in the fields of the gke_cluster_config structure. The embedded structure gke_cluster_config.gkenode_net is used for configuring networking for each cluster.

# General cluster config gke_cluster_config

Field Description Value
name Unique name for the cluster For example, usercluster-1
type Type of cluster to be configured One of admin or user
loadBalancerKind Type of load balancer One of F5BigIP, Seesaw or ManualLB
Only F5BigIP is currently supported
f5_partition The playbooks for configuring F5 create partitions for the admin and user clusters based on this value.
state Whether the F5 partition should exist or not. One of present or absent
cluster_ctrl_vip Set to the IP address that you have chosen to configure on the load balancer for the Kubernetes API server of the corresponding cluster For example, ''
cluster_ingress_vip Set to the IP address you have chosen to configure on the load balancer for the cluster's ingress service
datastore The datastore to use for the cluster. Defaults to the global vcenter.datastore
resource_pool If you want to use a cluster-specific resource pool, provide the name of your vSphere resource pool Defaults to value of gke_cluster_resource_pool.
cluster_network If specified it overwrites the network field in global vCenter configuration
logging_metric_gcp_region A GCP region where you would like to store logs and metrics for this cluster. Defaults to value of gke_cluster_gcp_region
audit_logging_gcp_region A GCP region where you would like to store audit logs for this cluster. Defaults to value of gke_cluster_gcp_region
enable_vpc Set to true if you have your cluster's network controlled by a VPC. This ensures that all telemetry flows through Google's restricted IP addresses. One of true or false
enable_cloudrun Specify Cloud Run configuration One of true or false

# Configuring IPs for each cluster

The structure gke_cluster_config.gkenode_net is used for configuring networking for each cluster.

Field Description Value
gke_cluster_config.gkenode_net.mode Config type being specified One of dhcp or static

If you choose static, you can configure the static IPs using the other fields in the gke_cluster_config.gkenode_net structure.

You can specify the addresses of the DNS servers (dns), time servers (tod), and default gateway (gateway) and netmask (netmask) that the cluster nodes will use.

The search_domain field is a string of DNS search domains to use in the cluster. These domains are used as part of a domain search list.

The ips field is an array of IP addresses (ip) and hostnames (hostname). These are the IP addresses and hostnames that Anthos GKE on-prem will assign to the cluster nodes.

A sample structure is shown below:

        mode: 'static'
        dns: ''
        gateway: ''
        netmask: ''
        tod: 'hou-ntp1.hcilabs.hpecorp.net'
        search_domain: 'my.local.com'
         - ip:
           hostname: admin-host1
         - ip:
           hostname: admin-host2
         - ip:
           hostname: admin-host3

# User cluster configuration - master and worker node

Configuration for the master and worker nodes in a user cluster are supplied in the fields of the gke_cluster_config structure.

Field Description Value
masternode_cpu The number of virtual CPUs for the master nodes in the user cluster. For example, '6'
masternode_memory The number of megabytes of memory for the master nodes in the user cluster. For example, '8192'
masternode_replicas The number of master nodes in the user cluster. User cluster master nodes must have either 1 or 3 replicas. Default is '1'
workernode_cpu The number of virtual CPUs for the worker nodes in the user cluster. Default is '4'
workernode_memory The number of megabytes of memory for the worker nodes in the user cluster. Default is '8192'
workernode_replicas The number of worker nodes in the user cluster. User cluster master nodes must have at least 3 replicas. Default is '3'

A sample configuration for the worker and master nodes in a user cluster is shown below:

      masternode_cpu: '6'
      masternode_memory: '16000'
      masternode_replicas: '1'
      workernode_cpu: '6'
      workernode_memory: '16000'
      workernode_replicas: '4'

# User cluster configuration - CSI and Service Mesh

Configuration of the CSI driver for user clusters is documented in the section CSI configuration.

Configuration of the Service Mesh for user clusters is documented in the section Service Mesh configuration.