# Protecting sensitive information

The Ansible vault file is used to protect any sensitive variables that should not appear in clear text in your inventory/group_vars/all/all.yml file. The vault file should be encrypted, requiring a password to be entered before it can be read or updated.

A sample vault file is provided named inventory/group_vars/all/vault.yml.sample. You can use this sample as a model for your own vault file.

# Configuring the vault

The following table contains the fields that should be configured in the valut:

Variable File Description
vault_f5_root_password vault.yml The root password for F5
vault_f5_admin_password vault.yml The admin password for F5
vault_f5_license_key vault.yml The F5 license key
vault_vcenter_username vault.yml The user name for the primary vCenter
vault_vcenter_password vault.yml The password for the primary vCenter
vault_gkeadm_vcenter_username vault.yml The user name for the alternative vCenter
vault_gkeadm_vcenter_password vault.yml The password for the alternative vCenter

# Sample vault file

vault_f5_root_password: default
vault_f5_admin_password: admin

vault_vcenter_username: Administrator@vsphere.local
vault_vcenter_password: password

vault_gkeadm_vcenter_username: Administrator@vsphere.local
vault_gkeadm_vcenter_password: password

# Encrypting the vault

To encrypt the vault you need to run the following command:

ansible-vault encrypt inventory/group_vars/all/vault.yml

New Vault password:
Confirm New Vault password:
Encryption successful

You will be prompted for a password that will decrypt the vault when required. You can update the values in your vault by running:

ansible-vault edit inventory/group_vars/all/vault.yml

In order for Ansible to be able to read the vault, you need to specify a file where the password is stored, for instance, in a file called .vault_pass. Once the file is created, take the following precautions to avoid illegitimate access to this file:

  1. Change the permissions so only root can read it using chmod 600 .vault_pass
  2. Add the file to your .gitignore file if you are using a Git repository to manage your playbooks.

# Using the vault

When you use an encrypted vault, you must specify the password file every time when you run a playbook, for example:

ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml --vault-password-file .vault_pass

Alternatively, you can be prompted for the password:

ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml --ask-vault-pass