Provisioning RHEL VMs

The following playbooks are used to provision RHEL VMs:

  • playbooks/create_vms.yml will create all the necessary virtual machines for the environment from the VM Template defined in the vm_template variable. All Linux VMs are now created in one go, regardless of the number of drives they have. This playbook also has the potential to configure additional network adapters.
  • playbooks/config_networking.yml will configure the network settings in all the virtual machines.
  • playbooks/resize_syspart.yml resizes the logical volume that holds the / partition of the Linux VMs to use all the space available on the drive.
  • playbooks/config_subscription.yml registers and subscribes all virtual machines to the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  • playbooks/config_ntp.yml configures the chrony client package in all virtual machines in order to have a synchronized clock across the environment. It will use the list of servers specified in the ntp_servers variable in the file group_vars/vars.