Deploying Sysdig monitoring on Kubernetes


  • Install the kubectl binary on your Ansible box
  • Install the UCP Client bundle for the admin user
  • Confirm that you can connect to the cluster by running a test command, for example, kubectl get nodes
  • Ensure that you have configured the required variables, as described in the section Sysdig configuration for Kubernetes. For example, you add the relevant variables in the group_vars/vars file.
    sysdig_collector: ''
    sysdig_collector_port: '6666'
    sysdig_tags: 'location:Enter city,role:Enter role,owner:Customer name'
    k8s_cluster: 'ucp_hpe2-ucp.cloudra.local'

You should add the access key to the encrypted group_vars/vault using the command ansible-vault edit group_vars/vault.

sysdig_access_key: '10****97-9160-****-9061-84bfd0f****0'    

Running the playbook

# cd Docker-SimpliVity
# ansible-playbook -i vm_hosts playbooks/sysdig-k8s-rbac.yml --vault-password-file .vault_pass

Using the Sysdig software as a solution (SaaS) website, you are able to view, analyze and inspect various different dashboards. Initially, you will just see the monitoring information for the infrastructure itself. Deploy a sample application, as detailed in the section Kubernetes guestbook example with Redis, and use the Sysdig solution to analyze the different facets of the deployed application.