UCP metrics in Prometheus


Docker EE 2.1 uses a built-in deployment of Prometheus to power the performance graphs in the web UI for UCP. The metrics that UCP generates can be routed to a separate Prometheus, if required. A convenience playbook has been provided to configure a minimal Prometheus and Grafana deployment that can help vizualize all of the metrics that UCP generates.

For more information on UCP cluster metrics, see the article at https://docs.docker.com/ee/ucp/admin/configure/collect-cluster-metrics/.


  • Install the kubectl binary on your Ansible box
  • Install the UCP Client bundle for the admin user
  • Confirm that you can connect to the cluster by running a test command, for example, kubectl get nodes

Deploy Prometheus and Grafana

The playbook playbooks/ucp-metrics-prometheus.yml deploys pods for Prometheus and Grafana and configures them to use the client bundle to access the UCP metrics. To run the playbook:

# cd ~/Docker-Synergy
# ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/ucp-metrics-prometheus.yml --vault-password-file .vault_pass

Prometheus UI

The playbook exposes a port to access the user interface for Prometheus - to find the port, get the details of the prometheus service:

# kubectl get svc prometheus

NAME         TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
prometheus   NodePort   <none>        9090:34713/TCP   6d

The Prometheus UI can be accessed on any node in your cluster, using the port returned by kubectl get svc. In this instance, it is accessed at http://hpe2-ucp01.am2.cloudra.local:34713.

Figure. UCP metrics in Prometheus

Using Grafana to vizualize UCP metrics

The playbook also exposes a port to access the Grafana UI - to find the port, get the details of the grafana service:

# kubectl get svc grafana

NAME      TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
grafana   NodePort   <none>        3000:33118/TCP   6d

The Grafana UI can be accessed on any node in your cluster, using the port returned by kubectl get svc. In this instance, it is accessed at http://hpe2-ucp01.am2.cloudra.local:33118. The example UCP Dashboard is taken from https://grafana.com/dashboards/9309.

Figure. UCP Dashboard in Grafana