# Appendix B: Sample LDAP CR

A sample Custom Resource (CR), playbooks/roles/ldap/vars/ldap_cr.yml, is included in the solution. It shows the parameters and example values for an LDAP identity provider.

apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1
kind: OAuth
  name: cluster
  - name: msad
    mappingMethod: claim
    type: LDAP
        - name
        - UserPrincipalName
        - cn
        - sAMAccountName
      bindDN: "{{ ldap_bind_user_dn }}"
        name: ldap-secret
        name: ca-config-map
      insecure: false
      url: "ldaps://mars-adds.am2.cloudra.local/CN=Users,DC=am2,DC=cloudra,DC=local?sAMAccountName??(objectClass=person)"
  • The identity provider name is prefixed to the returned user ID to form an identity name. In this instance, the example name msad is used to indicate Microsoft Active Directory is being used. After the identity provider has been set up, you can use the oc get identities command to see the prefix in use:

    $ oc get identities
    NAME                            IDP NAME   IDP USER NAME              USER NAME     
    msad:YWRvY3AgYWRtaW4x           msad       YWRvY3AgYWRtaW4x           adocpadmin1   
    msad:YWRvY3AgdXNlcjE            msad       YWRvY3AgdXNlcjE            adocpuser1

    The identity provider name is also displayed as an option when logging in to the web console.

  • The bindDN parameter is the name of the LDAP user required to perform the search. This value is actually defined in the group_vars\all\vars.yml file using the variable ldap_bind_user_dn.

  • The bindPassword is stored in a secret which is created when you run the playbooks\ldap.yml playbook. The underlying password itself should be strored in group_vars/all/vault.yml as the value of the variable vault.ldap_bind_user_password.

  • The mappingMethod defines how new identities are mapped to users when they log in. The value claim will cause a new user to be created if one does not already exist with that name. It will fail if a user with that user name is already mapped to another identity.

  • The url is an RFC 2255 URL, which specifies the LDAP host and search parameters to use. The syntax of the URL is:


More information on configuring the custom resource is available at https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.2/authentication/identity_providers/configuring-ldap-identity-provider.html.