# Backup

# Configuration

The following variables are used to configure your backup:

Variable File Description
backup_directory group_vars/all/vars.yml The directory on the Ansible controller node where all the backed up files are stored. The directory will be created if it does not exist.
backup_artifacts group_vars/all/vars.yml A list of files or directories on the Ansible controller node you wish to include in the etcd snapshots. File paths are relative to the location of the playbook.

In the example below, the contents of the install_dir directory are backed up, as well as the contents of the group_vars folder and the Ansible inventory file hosts.

backup_directory: "{{ local_home }}/backups"
- "{{ install_dir }}"
- ./group_vars/
- ./hosts

To perform the backup, run the playbook backup_etcd.yml:

$ cd ~/OpenShift-on-SimpliVity
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts backup_etcd.yml

Based on the configuration above, the backed up files will be available in the ~/backups/ folder:

$ ls ~/backups/


The .misc.tgz file contains backups of your hosts and variables files, as well as the files generated by the initial deployment in the installation directory install_dir. If you need to re-deploy your cluster from scratch, it is very convenient to have a backup of these files.

The .snapshots.tgz file contains the etcd database snapshots and certs that will be needed in the following section Recovering from lost master hosts.