# Configuring cluster logging

The playbooks support two distinct profiles for cluster logging deployment, small and large. The profile is determined by the variable efk_profile in the configuration file group_vars/all/vars.yml. If you do not specify any value, the small profile will be deployed by default. You can also use the playbooks to migrate from a small profile to a large profile.

The playbooks support the deployment of different versions of the EFK stack, based on the value of the variable efk_channel. To deploy the current OCP 4.2 stack, you must set the efk_channel variable to 4.2. If you want to use the legacy OCP 4.1 version of the stack on an OCP 4.1 cluster, set the efk_channel variable to preview. Note that you cannot use the preview channel on an OCP 4.2 cluster.

You can configure a persistent storage class and size for the Elasticsearch cluster. The Cluster Logging Operator creates a PersistentVolumeClaim for each data node in the Elasticsearch cluster based on the relevant parameters in your configuration file.

# Configuration variables

The variables for configuring cluster logging are described in the following table:

Variable File Description
efk_channel group_vars/all/vars.yml This required variable determines the version of the EFK stack deployed. For OCP 4.2, set this value to 4.2. For OCP 4.1, this must be set to preview. Note that preview channel will not work on OCP 4.2.
efk_profile group_vars/all/vars.yml Determines the profile used when deploying the EFK stack.

small suitable for proof of concept deployments, deploying a single instance of Elasticsearch and Kibana, requiring 2 GB memory and minimal vCPU (200m)

large suitable for a production environment, deploying three Elasticsearch pods, each requiring a minimum of 16GB and 1 vCPU, and 2 Kibana instances

Defaults to small
efk_es_pv_size group_vars/all/vars.yml Size of the Persistent Volume used to hold Elasticsearch data. The default size is '200G'.
efk_es_pv_storage_class group_vars/all/vars.yml The Storage Class to use when creating Elasticsearch Persistent Volumes. The default storage class name is 'thin'.