Custom Weather Data

Weather data captures the ambient environmental conditions that impact the DC’s cooling requirements. Green-DCC includes weather data files in the .epw format from various locations where DCs are commonly situated.

Data Source

The default weather data files are extracted from:

  • EnergyPlus Weather Data (LINK)

Expected File Format

Weather data files should be in the .epw (EnergyPlus Weather) format, which includes hourly data for various weather parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc.

Example Weather Data File

Below is a partial example of an .epw file

LOCATION,New York JFK Intl Ap NY USA,USA,NY,716070,40.63,-73.78,-5.0,3.4
DESIGN CONDITIONS,1,New York JFK Intl Ap Ann Clg .4% Condns DB=>MWB,25.0
DATA PERIODS,1,1,Data,Sunday, 1/ 1,12/31

Integration Steps

  • Add the new weather data files in the .epw format to the data/Weather folder

  • Update the weather_file entry in DEFAULT_CONFIG dictionary in with the path to the new weather file