Custom Workload Data

By default, Green-DCC includes workload traces from Alibaba and Google data centers. These traces are used to simulate the tasks that the DC needs to process, providing a realistic and dynamic workload for benchmarking purposes.

Data Source

The default workload traces are extracted from:

  • Alibaba 2017 CPU Data (LINK)

  • Google 2011 CPU Data (LINK)

Expected File Format

Workload trace files should be in .csv format, with two columns: a timestamp or index (must be unnamed), and the corresponding DC Utilization (cpu_load). The CPU load must be expressed as a fraction of the DC utilization (between 0 and 1). The workload file must contain one year of data with an hourly periodicity (365*24=8760 rows).

Example Workload Trace File


Integration Steps

  • Place the new workload trace file in the data/Workload folder

  • Update the workload_file entry in DEFAULT_CONFIG dictionary in with the path to the new workload trace file