# Deploying stateful Application using KubeDirector
Setting up the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric is required for deploying the 3-Tier Application using KubeDirector.
# Introduction
Legacy application modernization enables organizations to create new business value from existing and aging applications. This is achieved by updating them with modern features and capabilities. Different strategies such as refactoring, re-architecting, rebuilding, and so on are adopted to modernize an application. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends starting with a “lift and shift” approach where the application is first containerized with as minimal changes as possible. After the application is containerized, it is easier and faster to upgrade to better infrastructure, refactor to microservices, and dynamically scale deployment. This approach enables regression testing of application before further modifications are done.
In a "lift and shift" scenario, the same versions of OS, libraries or components and applications are retained. Containers provide the application with an environment very similar to the existing environment. This paves the way to commence modernizing the application deployment while making minimal or no changes to the application itself. In this section, Hewlett Packard Enterprise describes the best practices for modernizing applications by containerizing the legacy application and deploying it on the HPE Ezmeral Container Platform using KubeDirector. In a "lift and shift" scenario, the same versions of OS, libraries or components and applications are retained. Containers provide the application with an environment very similar to the existing environment. This paves the way to commence modernizing the application deployment while making minimal or no changes to the application itself. In this section, Hewlett Packard Enterprise describes the best practices for modernizing applications by containerizing the legacy application and deploying it on the HPE Ezmeral Container Platform using KubeDirector.
The application used in this deployment is a 3-tier web-application called Methodize-Productivity. It is a MERN stack application (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS). This is a simple application for organising your thoughts and creating simple tasks. It has an elegant UI along with basic authentication features and as an addon it has a simple weather api for displaying the weather.
# Basic Application Architecture
The legacy application is broken down into 3 tiers: frontend, backend and the database as shown in below figure.
Figure 65. Legacy Application
# High Level Process Flow
The steps to deploy the Methodize-Productivity application can be broken down into 5 main phases as shown in below figure.
Figure 66. High Level steps to deploy the Methodize-Productivity application
In this example we observe the following existing service connections and details:
The frontend is running at http://localhost:3000
The backend is running at http://localhost:8081
The database is running at http://localhost:27017
The frontend establishes connection with the backend via the "proxy" key in the "package.json" file.
The backend establishes connection with the database via the "MONGO_URL" key in the config/dev.js file.
In the following steps the communication establishment between pods is done manually without the use of any script.
The end goal is to "lift and shift" the Methodize-Productivity application that is running on the Virtual Machine environment on to the containerized environment as shown below in below figure.
# Steps to Deploy the Methodize-Productivity Application
- The following instructions are executed inside the web-terminal of the tenant.
- If the commands need to be run on the master/controller node, append "-n <tenant_name>" to all the commands so that it references the required tenant.
- Eg. kubectl create -f methodize-productivity.yaml -n kubedirector (where kubedirector is the name of the tenant)
- Steps 1-6 explains the process to create the Dockerfiles for the application and the uploading of the images to DockerHub. These steps explain how the user can create images for their application.
- Since the images are available in DockerHub, the user can skip to Step 7 to start deploying the Methodize-Productivity Application using KubeDirector.
Create a Project Folder "Methodize-Productivity" and create 3 sub-directories Frontend , Backend and Data inside it.
Backup the existing data by creating a dump file.
- Execute the command "mongodump --db methodize" (where methodize is the name of the database in use).
- This creates a dump folder at the directory the command was executed. It has a database folder "methodize" inside it.
- Copy the methodize folder into the Data folder of the "Methodize-Productivity" project.
Copy the server related files (models, handlers, middleware, package.json etc) into the Backend folder of the "Methodize-Productivity" project.
Copy the user interface client files (components, actions, package.json etc) into the Frontend folder of the "Methodize-Productivity" project.
The above steps set up the project file structure for easy creation of Dockerfiles.
Create Dockerfiles for the 3 tiers (Frontend, Backend and Database)
Create the Frontend Dockerfile inside the Frontend folder: Start from node:10 base image. Copy the package.json file and install all the required modules and dependencies and then copy the remaining project files into the working directory and expose port 3000. Use the command “npm start” to start the frontend User Interface:
FROM node:10 WORKDIR /usr/src/app RUN apt-get update && apt-get install vim -y && apt-get install curl -y COPY package.json ./ RUN npm install COPY . . EXPOSE 3000 CMD ["npm", "start"]
Create the Backend Dockerfile inside the Backend folder: Copy the package.json file and install all the required modules and dependencies and then copy the remaining project files into the working directory and expose port 8081. Use the command “nodemon index” to start the backend server:
FROM node:10 WORKDIR /usr/src/app RUN apt-get update && apt-get install vim -y && apt-get install curl -y COPY package.json ./ RUN npm install RUN npm install -g nodemon COPY . . EXPOSE 8081 CMD ["nodemon", "index"]
Create the Database Dockerfile inside the Data folder. Copy the data dump file into the image.
FROM mongo:4.0 COPY . . RUN apt-get update && apt-get install curl –y
Build the dockerfiles using the "docker build" command and tag them appropriately and push them into DockerHub for future access from the HPE Ezmeral Container Platform. For this example 3 images have been created and pushed as shown in below figure.
- pranavvutkur/frontend-methodize
- pranavvutkur/backend-methodize
- pranavvutkur/data-methodize
Login to the HPE Ezmeral Container Platform and the required tenant. Create the KubeDirectorApp yaml file as shown.
vi methodize-productivity.yaml
Fill in the following details:
apiVersion: kubedirector.hpe.com/v1beta1 kind: KubeDirectorApp metadata: name: methodize-productivity spec: label: name: Methodize-Productivity description: A productivity task manager application using the MERN Stack distroID: hpecp/methodize version: '1.1' configSchemaVersion: 7 defaultConfigPackage: null services: - id: frontend label: name: Frontend Service endpoint: port: 3000 urlScheme: http isDashboard: true - id: backend label: name: Backend Service endpoint: port: 8081 isDashboard: false - id: mongodb label: name: MongoDB Service endpoint: port: 27017 isDashboard: false roles: - id: frontend cardinality: '1' imageRepoTag: docker.io/pranavvutkur/frontend-methodize:latest persistDirs: - "/usr/src/app" - id: backend cardinality: '1' imageRepoTag: docker.io/pranavvutkur/backend-methodize:latest persistDirs: - "/usr/src/app" - id: mongodb cardinality: '1' imageRepoTag: docker.io/pranavvutkur/data-methodize:latest persistDirs: - "/data/db" config: selectedRoles: - frontend - backend - mongodb roleServices: - roleID: frontend serviceIDs: - frontend - roleID: backend serviceIDs: - backend - roleID: mongodb serviceIDs: - mongodb systemdRequired: true
This file specifies the name of the application as Methodize-Productivity (spec.label.name). Three services are created. First service is for the frontend exposing port 3000 and second service is for the backend exposing port 8081 and finally the last service is for the mongodb database exposing port 27017.
The three roles created are:
- frontend role which specifies the image used (docker.io/pranavvutkur/frontend-methodize:latest) and the persistDirs directory (/usr/src/app).
- backend role specifies the image used (docker.io/pranavvutkur/backend-methodize:latest) and the persistDirs directory (/usr/src/app)
- mongodb role specifies the image used (docker.io/pranavvutkur/data-methodize:latest) and the persistDirs directory (/data/db)
Execute the following command to create the KubeDirectorApp.
kubectl create -f methodize-productivity.yaml
This creates an application tile in the Applications window of the tenant in the HPE Ezmeral Container Platform GUI as shown in below figure.
- Click on Launch for the created application. This opens up a KubeDirectorCluster file as shown in below figure. Assign custom values for the storage, CPU, memory, and the number of replicas as required and include the environment variables if any for each of the roles and click Submit.
- A KubeDirector application instance gets created for the Methodize-Productivity application along with the service endpoints as shown in below figure.
The frontend access point is also highlighted which is required to access the frontend.
- Identify the pods for the three tiers and modify the service connections within them and restore the database:
Exec into the database pod (kdss-4mdwm-0)
kubectl exec -it kdss-4mdwm-0 -- /bin/bash
and restore the dump file using the following command.
mongorestore --db methodize --drop methodize # methodize is the name of the data dump file
Exec into the backend pod (kdss-vr4zq-0)
kubectl exec -it kdss-vr4zq-0 -- /bin/bash
and navigate into the “config” folder and open the “dev.js” file
vi dev.js # file which has the URL to connect to the database
Inside the file replace the “MONGO_URL” with the new service endpoint gateway mapping of the mongoDB pod.
Exec into the frontend pod (kdss-l5fkn-0)
kubectl exec -it kdss-l5fkn-0 -- /bin/bash
and open the “package.json” file
vi package.json # file which has the server(backend) URL
Inside the file replace the “proxy” key with the service end point gateway mapping of the backend pod.
The pods can be identified from the Service-Endpoint tab which shows all the services:
- The service names start with the prefix "s-kdss"
- The pods are the same name without the "s-" prefix
- Eg. the service "s-kdss-4mdwm-0" belongs to the mongodb service, and the corresponding pod name would then be "kdss-4mdwm-0"
The mongo restore command restores the data dump file that we copied into the mongo image during the dockerfile creation.
The "MONGO_URL" value "mongodb://" is replaced with "mongodb://pgateway.pranav.twentynet.local:10011/methodize" in this example.
The "proxy" value "http://localhost:8081" is replaced with "http://pgateway.pranav.twentynet.local:10010" in this example.
Delete the Frontend pod so the new pod will spin up with the modified proxy changes.
kubectl delete pod kdss-l5fkn-0
Now the application has been setup. The service endpoint gateway mapping of the frontend is used to access the Methodize-Productivity user interface. Click the frontend access point to open the Methodize-Productivity home screen.
Click on “sign-in” and use the same credentials that were in use when the application was running on the virtual machine environment ( email: test@gmail.com, password: test123 ). Below figure shows the sign up page filled in with the existing user credentials.
- Once the user has signed in they can view the To-Do task manager with all the existing created tasks as shown in below figure. The user can go ahead and create new tasks and users if required and continue using the application as before. (The application has now been containerised)
- Execute the following commands to see the pods, its Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) that are created. Figure 67 represents the pods, Figure 68 represents the PV, and Figure 69 represents the PVC of the Methodize-Productivity application.
Figure 67. Pods for the Methodize-Productivity
Figure 68. Persistent volume for Methodize-Productivty
Figure 69. Persistent Volume Claim for Methodize-Productivity
- The above steps work in general for MERN stack applications.
- Based on the application in use ,style of development and file structure , the steps can vary slightly, but the general idea and high level steps behind containerising the application remain the same.