# Preparing SLES 15 hosts for HPERE installation
Centos 7 or RHEL Installer machine with the following configurations is essential.
Enable Python3 and Ansible Environment as mentioned in Installer machine section of deployment guide.
Password less SSH is configured to target hosts from the installer machine. Steps for configuring password less SSH is as follows:
- Execute the following command on installer machine to generate a new SSH key pair.
> ssh-keygen
To generate a SSH key pair of specific algorithm or specific key size as per user requirements, use the following command.
> ssh-keygen -t <algorithm> -b <keysize>
# Input Files
- Update vars.yml file with required detail for registration.
Edit vars.yml present in “$BASE_DIR/Lite_Touch_Installation/group_vars/all/” folder with the following command and enter the details listed below. Command to edit vars.yml
> ansible-vault edit vars.yml
Default password for Ansible Vault file vars.yml is “changeme”.
Mode: There are two modes of registering the server to registration server, RMT and User Email. Permissible values are 1 (For registering the SUSE server to RMT) and 2 (For registering the SUSE server using Email)
Mode 1: Registration using RMT server.
- Update the Mode:1 section in vars.yml with the following inputs
- RMT_URL: RMT server ip address.
- Update the Mode:1 section in vars.yml with the following inputs
Mode 2: Registration using User Email Id and RegCode
- Update the Mode:2 section in vars.yml with the following inputs
- email: User Email-id which will be used for server registration.
- base_code:- Registration code which will be used for server registration.
- caas_code:- Registration code for caas module.
- ha_code:- Registration code for ha module.
- Update the Mode:2 section in vars.yml with the following inputs
1. Email and Reg_codes are applicable only for Mode 2 else leave blank.
2. sles_packages: sles modules which will be installed separated by comma.
3. Zypper_packages: 27zypper packages which will be installed separated by comma.
- Example values for the registration details in vars.yml are as follows.
#Mode 1 for RMT Registration and Mode 2 for User Registration
Mode: 2
Email: jim. ***@***.com
base_code: 8BAB9EC****
caas_code: 21E02******
ha_code: 87D73*****
RMT_URL: http://20.**.**.**
sles_packages: [sle-module-public-cloud/15.6.0/x86_64,
sle-module-legacy/15.6.0/x86_64, sle-module-python2/15.6.0/x86_64,
zypper_packages: [iputils, bind-utils, autofs, libcgroup1,kernel-default-devel,gcc-c++,perl,pciutils,rsyslog,firewalld]
Don’t modify the sles_packages and zypper_pacakges as these packages are required for HPERE implementation changes made to this section may impact the installation.
# Installation Process
Enable Python3 and Ansible Environment as mentioned in Installer machine section of deployment guide.
Change the current working directory to "$BASE_DIR" using the following command and Execute the playbook using the following commands.
> cd $BASE_DIR/Lite_Touch_Installation/
> ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/prepare_hosts.yml --ask-vault-pass
During the playbook execution, while installing the packageHub Module it might throw an error in the first attempt. This is a known issue from SUSE and is being taken care by re-installing the module.
Link for reference https://www.suse.com/support/kb/doc/?id=000019505 (opens new window)
- In case the script fails while checking the internet connection from the hosts, kindly cross verify the internet from the hosts and then re-run the script.
- While checking the apparomor service the error is expected as it verifies the apparmor service status on the hosts and if it running, it will stop and disable the same.