# Deploying sample application on RHOCP 4.10 using Ephemeral storage

NGINX is an open-source software for web serving, reverse proxying, caching, load balancing, media streaming, and so on. This section describes how to deploy a sample NGINX application on RHOCP 4.10 using Ephemeral storage.


  • RHOCP must be up and running.

To deploy a sample application on RHOCP 4.10 using Ephemeral storage:

  1. Create a new project with namespace as "my-nginx-example".
$ oc new-project my-nginx-example  
  1. Deploy a new application.
$ oc new-app httpd-example --name=my-nginx-example
  1. Validate the created service and route for the application.
$ oc status 
  1. Retrieve the service details of the application.
$ oc get svc my-nginx-example 
  1. Retrieve the route created for the application.
$ oc get route my-nginx-example 
  1. Use the route in your browser to access the application.

FIGURE 8. NGINX application Web Console login screen