# Physical node configuration

This section describes the configuration of the bare metal compute modules and is separated into sections that disseminate universal configuration parameters, pointers exclusively for virtualized nodes, and options used exclusively for bare metal nodes. The required configuration steps are outlined. These may be in the form of UI instruction pointers to code, or command line options. Use the CLI options or UI instruction pointers accordingly to reach the desired end state.

# Red Hat OpenShift master nodes

Refer to the section Server Profiles in this document to create a server profile for the bare metal master nodes.

After the server profile is successfully created and attached to a compute module, refer to the following steps to install the operating system on the bootstrap node and the master nodes.

  1. Ensure that the location of ignition files of the corresponding nodes is updated in the PXE configuration files.

  2. Ensure the MAC address of the network adapter in each server profile is updated with the corresponding IP address in the DHCP configuration file.

  3. Ensure that the load balancer server is up and running.

  4. From the HPE OneView interface, navigate to Server Profiles and select the appropriate server profile for the corresponding nodes. Select Actions > Launch Console.

  5. While booting, select the appropriate OS label.

  6. Wait until the OS installation is complete.

  7. Verify the installation by logging on to the node from the installer VM using the following command.

    > ssh core@< replace_with_node_fqdn_or_ip >


    To utilize virtual machines as the OpenShift master nodes, refer to the sections Virtual nodes configuration and Deploying virtual master nodes in this document.

# Red Hat OpenShift worker nodes

Worker nodes for OpenShift 4 can run either RHCOS or RHEL 7.6. This section outlines the steps required to create worker nodes with either OS.


To utilize virtual nodes as OpenShift worker nodes, refer the sections Virtual nodes configuration and Deploying virtual worker nodes in this document.

# Red Hat OpenShift worker nodes with RHCOS

Refer the section Server Profiles in this document to create the server profile for the worker nodes before proceeding with the subsequent section.

After the server profile is successfully created and attached to a compute module, refer to the following steps to install the operating system on the worker nodes.

  1. Ensure that the location of ignition files of the corresponding nodes is updated in the PXE configuration files.

  2. Ensure the MAC address of the network adapter in each server profile is updated with the corresponding IP address in the DHCP configuration file.

  3. Ensure that the load balancer server is up and running.

  4. From the HPE OneView interface, navigate to Server Profiles and select the appropriate server profile for the corresponding nodes. Select Actions > Launch Console.

  5. While booting, select the appropriate OS label.

  6. Wait until the OS installation is complete.

  7. Verify the installation by logging on to the node from the installer VM using the following command.

    > ssh core@< replace_with_node_fqdn_or_ip >

After the RHCOS worker nodes are up and running, refer the section Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform deployment to create the OpenShift 4 cluster.

# Red Hat OpenShift worker nodes with RHEL

Refer the section Server Profiles in this document to create the server profile for the worker nodes before proceeding with the subsequent section.

After the server profile is successfully created and attached to a compute module, refer to the following steps to install the operating system on the worker nodes.

  1. Ensure that the location of ignition files of the corresponding nodes is updated in the PXE configuration files.

  2. Ensure the MAC address of the network adapter in each server profile is updated with the corresponding IP address in the DHCP configuration file.

  3. Ensure that the load balancer server is up and running.

  4. From the HPE OneView interface, navigate to Server Profiles and select the appropriate Server Profile for the corresponding nodes. Select Actions > Launch Console.

  5. While booting, select the appropriate OS label.

  6. Wait until the OS installation is complete.

  7. Verify the installation by logging on to the node from the installer VM using the following command.

    > ssh root@< replace_with_node_fqdn_or_ip >

# Preparing worker nodes with RHEL

Once the RHEL operating system is installed on the worker nodes, perform the following steps on that node:

  1. Log in to the RHEL host, register and attach the host pool with Red Hat by running the following command.
    > subscription-manager register
  2. Execute the following command to list the available subscriptions.
    > subscription-manager list --available --matches '*OpenShift*' 
  3. In the output for the command in step 2, find the pool ID for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform subscription and attach it.
    > subscription-manager attach --pool=<pool_id> 
  4. Disable all repositories and enable only the repositories required by Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.6.
    > yum-config-manager --disable * 
    > subscription-manager repos --disable="*"\
        --enable="rhel-7-server-rpms" \
        --enable="rhel-7-server-extras-rpms" \

After the RHEL 7.6 nodes are ready, refer to the section Adding RHEL 7.6 worker nodes in this document to add them to the OpenShift 4 cluster.