Re: Netperf 2.1

Gregory P. Smith (
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 10:31:16 -0700

Using netperf's "wonderful" command line syntax try:

netperf [global options] -- -M 262144 -m 262144 -s 262144 -S 262144


Options after the "--" are test specific. You can run netperf -- -h
to get a list. Don't worry, its not obvious. :)


> Hi All,
> I have just installed Netperf 2.1. I am trying to specify the number of bytes
> with -s, -m, -M and -S, but there are no provisions for that. Can someone wh
> o might have solved the problem assist me !!
> Martin.
> ------------------------------
> Electronic Research Group
> Aberdeen University