# Download required software

Once you have satisfied the prerequisites and configured all of the variables to match your environment, you need to download the required software by running the playbooks/getkits.yml:

$ cd ~/Rancher-on-SimpliVity
# ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/getkits.yml

The following software is downloaded:

  • The rke command line tool
  • The rancher command line tool
  • The Ubuntu 18.04 cloud image (OVA)
  • The kubectl command line tool
  • The helm command line tool

# Software versions

The version of software downloaded is determined by the settings in the file playbooks/roles/kits/defaults/main.yml. The versions at the time of writing are as follows:

kits_rke_version: v1.0.4
kits_rancher_cli_version: v2.3.2
kits_kubectl_cli_version: v1.17.2
kits_helm_cli_version: v3.1.2

If you need to override the default values you can configuring variables with the same names in group_vars/all/vars.yml. For example, if the following is specified in group_vars/all/vars.yml, the playbook will download rke version 1.0.6 and rancher version 2.4.0.

kits_rke_version: v1.0.6
kits_rancher_cli_version: v2.4.0

The software is downloaded to the folder determined by the kits_folder variable, specified in the file group_vars/all/private.yml. The default location is the kits folder in your home directory (~/kits).

# Ubuntu OVA

The Ubuntu OVA is downloaded from https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/bionic/current/bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.ova. This URL is specified in the file playbooks/roles/kits/tasks/main.yml.