# Redeployment

The playbook playbooks/clean.yml is a convenience playbook for stripping down a cluster. This can be very useful in a proof-of-concept environment, where you may want to regularly tear down and re-deploy your test cluster.

  • Set the value of the variable delete_templates to false if you don't want your templates to be deleted

  • Run the playbook playbooks/clean.yml:

    $ cd ~/Rancher-on-SimpliVity
    $ ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/clean.yml --vault-password-file .vault_pass

The playbook will delete VMs and templates.

Note: The clean.yml playbook does not remove any VMs associated with the user cluster since those are created by Rancher. Those VMs must be either deleted by deleting the user cluster in the Rancher UI or manually powering them off and deleting them from vCenter.