Source code for envs.bat_env_fwd_view

import numpy as np
import gymnasium as gym
from gymnasium import spaces

import envs.battery_model as batt
from utils import reward_creator

[docs] class BatteryEnvFwd(gym.Env): def __init__(self, env_config) -> None: """Creates battery envrionemnt Args: env_config (dict): Customizable environment confing. n_fwd_steps(int): Number of forward forecast steps available max_bat_cap(float): Maximun battery capacity in MWh charging_rate(float): Rate of charge of the battery reward_metod(function): Method used to calculate the reward """ super(BatteryEnvFwd, self).__init__() n_fwd_steps = env_config['n_fwd_steps'] max_bat_cap = env_config['max_bat_cap'] charging_rate = env_config['charging_rate'] self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=np.float32(-1.0 * np.ones(1 + 1 + 4 + n_fwd_steps)), high=np.float32(1.0 * np.ones(1 + 1 + 4 + n_fwd_steps))) self.max_dc_pw_MW = env_config['max_dc_pw_MW'] # 7.24 # in MW self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(3) self._action_to_direction = {0: 'charge', 1: 'discharge', 2: 'idle'} other_states_max = np.array([self.max_dc_pw_MW, max_bat_cap]) other_states_min = np.array([0.0, 0]) self.observation_max = other_states_max self.observation_min = other_states_min = self.observation_max - self.observation_min self.battery = batt.Battery2(capacity=max_bat_cap, current_load=0 * max_bat_cap) self.n_fwd_steps = n_fwd_steps self.charging_rate = charging_rate self.spot_CI = None self.ma_CI = None self.eta = 0.7 self.dataset_end = True self.dcload = 0 self.temp_state = None self.var_to_dc = 0 self.max_bat_cap = max_bat_cap self.total_energy_with_battery = 0 = 0 self.ci_n = [] self.dcload_max = env_config['dcload_max'] self.dcload_min = env_config['dcload_min']
[docs] def reset(self, *, seed=None, options=None): """ Reset `BatteryEnvFwd` to initial state. Args: seed (int, optional): Random seed. options (dict, optional): Environment options. Returns: temp_state (List[float]): Current state of the environmment info (dict): A dictionary that containing additional information about the environment state """ self.battery.reset() # Reset the battery with a random current_load between 0 and 25% max capacity self.energy_added_removed = [] self.dcload = self.dcload_min self.raw_obs = self._hist_data_collector() self.temp_state = self._process_obs(self.raw_obs) return self.temp_state, { 'action': -1, 'avg_dc_power_mw': self.raw_obs[0], 'Grid_CI': 0, 'total_energy_with_battery': 0, 'CO2_footprint': 0, 'bat_avg_CI': 0, 'battery SOC': self.battery.current_load, 'total_energy_with_battery': 0 }
[docs] def step(self, action_id): """ Step function Args: action_id (int): the action id Returns: obs (list): Current state of the environmment reward (float): reward value. done (bool): A boolean value signaling the if the episode has ended. info (dict): A dictionary that containing additional information about the environment state """ action_instantaneous = self._action_to_direction[action_id] self.discharge_energy = self._simulate_battery_operation(self.battery, action_instantaneous, charging_rate=self.charging_rate) self.CO2_total = self.CO2_footprint(self.dcload,, action_instantaneous, self.discharge_energy) self.raw_obs = self._hist_data_collector() self.temp_state = self._process_obs(self.raw_obs) self.reward = 0 = { 'bat_action': action_id, 'bat_SOC': self.battery.current_load, 'bat_CO2_footprint': self.CO2_total, 'bat_avg_CI':, 'bat_total_energy_without_battery_KWh': self.dcload * 1e3 * 0.25, 'bat_total_energy_with_battery_KWh': self.total_energy_with_battery, 'bat_max_bat_cap': self.max_bat_cap, 'bat_a_t': action_instantaneous, 'bat_dcload_min': self.dcload_min, 'bat_dcload_max': self.dcload_max, } #Done and truncated are managed by the main class, implement individual function if needed truncated = False done = False return self.temp_state, self.reward, done, truncated,
[docs] def update_ci(self, ci, ci_n): """Sets internal CIs values. """ = ci self.ci_n = ci_n
def _process_obs(self, state): """Normalizes observations Args: state (List[float]): Current environment state. Returns: normalized_observations (List[float]) """ scaled_value = (state - self.observation_min) / return np.float32(scaled_value) def _process_action(self, action_id): """Maps agent actions to actoniable action for the model Args: action_id (int): Action to take. Returns: normalized_observations (string) """ return self._action_to_direction[action_id]
[docs] def update_state(self): """Updates obsevation with current DC energy consumption Returns: normalized_observations (string) """ self.temp_state[0] = self.dcload return self.temp_state
[docs] def set_dcload(self, dc_load): """Set the current DC energy consumption Args: dc_load float: DC energy consumption. """ self.dcload = dc_load
def _hist_data_collector(self): """Generates the observation for the agent Returns: raw_obs (List[Float]): Current state observation """ raw_obs = np.array([self.dcload, self.battery.current_load]) return raw_obs def _simulate_battery_operation(self, battery, battery_action, charging_rate=None): """Simulates battery operation Args: battery (Class): Battery model. battery_action (string): Desired action. charging_rate (string): Battery charging rate. Returns: discharge_energy (float): Output energy. """ discharge_energy = 0 if battery_action == 'charge': self.var_to_dc = battery.charge(battery.capacity, self.charging_rate_modifier(battery) * 15 / 60) elif battery_action == 'discharge': discharge_energy = battery.discharge(battery.capacity, self.discharging_rate_modifier(battery) * 15 / 60, self.dcload * 0.25) self.var_to_dc = -discharge_energy else: discharge_energy = 0 self.var_to_dc = 0 self.var_to_dc = self.var_to_dc / self.max_bat_cap return discharge_energy
[docs] def CO2_footprint(self, dc_load, ci, a_t, discharge_energy): """Calculates carbon footprint Args: dc_load (float): Total energy consumption of the DC. ci (float): Carbon intensity at current time step. a_t (string): Agent's action. discharge_energy (float): Amount of energy to be discharged Returns: CO2_footprint (float): Carbon footprint produced at the current time step (gCO2e) """ if a_t == 'charge': self.total_energy_with_battery = dc_load * 1e3 * 0.25 + self.battery.charging_load * 1e3 self.energy_added_removed.append(self.battery.charging_load * 1e3) self.battery.charging_load = 0 # *Added* CO2_footprint = (self.total_energy_with_battery) * ci elif a_t == 'discharge': assert dc_load * 1e3 * 0.25 >= discharge_energy * 1e3, "Battery discharge rate should not be higher than the datacenter energy consumption rate" self.total_energy_with_battery = dc_load * 1e3 * 0.25 - discharge_energy * 1e3 self.energy_added_removed.append(-1.0*discharge_energy * 1e3) CO2_footprint = max(self.total_energy_with_battery, 0) * ci # (KWh) * gCO2/KWh else: self.total_energy_with_battery = dc_load * 1e3 * 0.25 CO2_footprint = self.total_energy_with_battery * ci return CO2_footprint
def charging_rate_modifier(self, battery): """Calculates the battery state depeding charging rate Args: battery (batt.Battery2): Battery model Returns: charging_rate (float): Battery charging rate """ # curr_load = battery.current_load bat_max, bat_min = battery.capacity, 0 sigmoid_max, sigmoid_min = 4, -4 scaled_curr_load = (curr_load - bat_min) * (sigmoid_max - sigmoid_min) / (bat_max - bat_min) + sigmoid_min charging_rate = 0.3 return charging_rate def discharging_rate_modifier(self, battery): """Calculates the battery state depeding discharging rate Args: battery (batt.Battery2): Battery model Returns: discharging_rate (float): Battery discharging rate """ # curr_load = battery.current_load bat_max, bat_min = battery.capacity, 0 sigmoid_max, sigmoid_min = 4, -4 scaled_curr_load = (curr_load - bat_min) * (sigmoid_max - sigmoid_min) / (bat_max - bat_min) + sigmoid_min discharging_rate = 0.3 return discharging_rate
[docs] def sigmoid(self, x): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
[docs] def charging_rate_modifier(self, battery): """Calculates the battery state depending on the charging rate Args: battery (batt.Battery2): Battery model Returns: charging_rate (float): Battery charging rate """ curr_load = battery.current_load bat_max, bat_min = battery.capacity, 0 scaled_curr_load = (curr_load - bat_min) / (bat_max - bat_min) # Scale current load to [0, 1] # Use a sigmoid function to model the charging rate charging_rate = 0.5*(1 - self.sigmoid(10* (scaled_curr_load - 0.5))) # Shift and scale sigmoid to model charging rate return np.round(charging_rate, 4)
[docs] def discharging_rate_modifier(self, battery): """Calculates the battery state depending on the discharging rate Args: battery (batt.Battery2): Battery model Returns: discharging_rate (float): Battery discharging rate """ curr_load = battery.current_load bat_max, bat_min = battery.capacity, 0 scaled_curr_load = (curr_load - bat_min) / (bat_max - bat_min) # Scale current load to [0, 1] # Use a sigmoid function to model the discharging rate discharging_rate = 4*self.sigmoid(10 * (scaled_curr_load - 0.25)) # Shift and scale sigmoid to model discharging rate return max(0.5, discharging_rate)