Source code for envs.dc_gym

from typing import Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import gymnasium as gym
from gymnasium import spaces

import envs.datacenter as DataCenter
from utils import reward_creator

[docs] class dc_gymenv(gym.Env): def __init__(self, observation_variables : list, observation_space : spaces.Box, action_variables: list, action_space : spaces.Discrete, action_mapping: dict, ranges : dict, # this data frame should be time indexed for the code to work add_cpu_usage : bool, min_temp : float, max_temp : float, action_definition : dict, DC_Config : dict, seed : int = 123, episode_length_in_time : pd.Timedelta = None, # can be 1 week in minutes eg pd.Timedelta('7days') ): """Creates the data center environment Args: observation_variables (list[str]): The partial list of variables that will be evaluated inside this evironment.The actual gym space may include other variables like sine cosine of hours, day of year, cpu usage, carbon intensity and battery state of charge. observation_space (spaces.Box): The gym observations space following gymnasium standard action_variables (list[str]): The list of action variables for the environment. It is used to create the info dict returned by the environment action_space (spaces.Discrete): The gym action space following gymnasium standard action_mapping (dict): A mapping from agent discrete action choice to actual delta change in setpoint. The mapping is defined in ranges (dict[str,list]): The upper and lower bounds on the observation_variables max_temp (float): The maximum temperature allowed for the CRAC setpoint min_temp (float): The minimum temperature allowed for the CRAC setpoint action_definition (dict): A mapping of the action name to the default or initialized value. Specified in episode_length_in_time (pd.Timedelta, optional): The maximum length after which the done flag should be True. Defaults to None. Setting none causes done to be True after data set is exausted. """ self.observation_variables = observation_variables self.observation_space = observation_space self.action_variables = action_variables self.action_space = action_space self.action_mapping = action_mapping self.ranges = ranges self.seed = seed self.add_cpu_usage = add_cpu_usage self.ambient_temp = 20 self.scale_obs = False self.obs_max = [] self.obs_min = [] self.DC_Config = DC_Config # similar to reset self.dc = DataCenter.DataCenter_ITModel(num_racks=self.DC_Config.NUM_RACKS, rack_supply_approach_temp_list=self.DC_Config.RACK_SUPPLY_APPROACH_TEMP_LIST, rack_CPU_config=self.DC_Config.RACK_CPU_CONFIG, max_W_per_rack=self.DC_Config.MAX_W_PER_RACK, DC_ITModel_config=self.DC_Config) self.CRAC_Fan_load, self.CRAC_cooling_load, self.Compressor_load, self.CW_pump_load, self.CT_pump_load = None, None, None, None, None self.HVAC_load = self.ranges['Facility Total HVAC Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)'][0] self.rackwise_cpu_pwr, self.rackwise_itfan_pwr, self.rackwise_outlet_temp = [], [], [] self.cpu_load_frac = 0.5 self.bat_SoC = 300*1e3 # all units are SI self.raw_curr_state = None self.raw_next_state = None self.raw_curr_stpt = action_definition['cooling setpoints']['initial_value'] self.max_temp = max_temp self.min_temp = min_temp self.consecutive_actions = 0 self.last_action = None self.action_scaling_factor = 1 # Starts with a scale factor of 1 # IT + HVAC self.power_lb_kW = (self.ranges['Facility Total Building Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)'][0] + self.ranges['Facility Total HVAC Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)'][0]) / 1e3 self.power_ub_kW = (self.ranges['Facility Total Building Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)'][1] + self.ranges['Facility Total HVAC Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)'][1]) / 1e3 self.workload_hysterisis = 0 super().__init__()
[docs] def reset(self, *, seed=None, options=None): """ Reset `dc_gymenv` to initial state. Args: seed (int, optional): Random seed. options (dict, optional): Environment options. Returns: raw_curr_state (List[float]): Current state of the environmment {} (dict): A dictionary that containing additional information about the environment state """ super().reset(seed=self.seed) self.CRAC_Fan_load, self.CRAC_cooling_load, self.Compressor_load, self.CW_pump_load, self.CT_pump_load = None, None, None, None, None self.HVAC_load = self.ranges['Facility Total HVAC Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)'][0] self.rackwise_cpu_pwr, self.rackwise_itfan_pwr, self.rackwise_outlet_temp = [], [], [] self.water_usage = None self.raw_curr_state = self.get_obs() self.consecutive_actions = 0 self.last_action = None self.action_scaling_factor = 1 # Starts with a scale factor of 1 if self.scale_obs: return self.normalize(self.raw_curr_state), {}
[docs] def step(self, action): """ Makes an environment step in`dc_gymenv. Args: action_id (int): Action to take. Returns: observations (List[float]): Current state of the environmment reward (float): reward value. done (bool): A boolean value signaling the if the episode has ended. info (dict): A dictionary that containing additional information about the environment state """ crac_setpoint_delta = self.action_mapping[action] # Check if the current action is in the same direction as the last one if crac_setpoint_delta == self.last_action and action != 0: self.consecutive_actions += 1 else: self.consecutive_actions = 1 self.action_scaling_factor = 1 # Reset scaling factor if the direction changes # Adjust the scaling factor based on consecutive actions if self.consecutive_actions > 3: self.action_scaling_factor += 1 # Increase the scale factor after every 3 consecutive actions self.raw_curr_stpt += crac_setpoint_delta * self.action_scaling_factor self.raw_curr_stpt = max(min(self.raw_curr_stpt, self.max_temp), self.min_temp) ITE_load_pct_list = [self.cpu_load_frac*100 for i in range(self.DC_Config.NUM_RACKS)] self.rackwise_cpu_pwr, self.rackwise_itfan_pwr, self.rackwise_outlet_temp = \ self.dc.compute_datacenter_IT_load_outlet_temp(ITE_load_pct_list=ITE_load_pct_list, CRAC_setpoint=self.raw_curr_stpt) avg_CRAC_return_temp = DataCenter.calculate_avg_CRAC_return_temp(rack_return_approach_temp_list=self.DC_Config.RACK_RETURN_APPROACH_TEMP_LIST, rackwise_outlet_temp=self.rackwise_outlet_temp) data_center_total_ITE_Load = sum(self.rackwise_cpu_pwr) + sum(self.rackwise_itfan_pwr) self.CRAC_Fan_load, self.CT_Cooling_load, self.CRAC_Cooling_load, self.Compressor_load, self.CW_pump_load, self.CT_pump_load = DataCenter.calculate_HVAC_power(CRAC_setpoint=self.raw_curr_stpt, avg_CRAC_return_temp=avg_CRAC_return_temp, ambient_temp=self.ambient_temp, data_center_full_load=data_center_total_ITE_Load, DC_Config=self.DC_Config) self.HVAC_load = self.CT_Cooling_load + self.Compressor_load # Set the additional attributes for the cooling tower water usage calculation self.dc.hot_water_temp = avg_CRAC_return_temp # °C self.dc.cold_water_temp = self.raw_curr_stpt # °C self.dc.wet_bulb_temp = self.wet_bulb # °C from weather data # Calculate the cooling tower water usage self.water_usage = self.dc.calculate_cooling_tower_water_usage() # water_usage_meth2 = DataCenter.calculate_water_consumption_15min(self.CRAC_Cooling_load, self.dc.hot_water_temp, self.dc.cold_water_temp) # print(f"Estimated cooling tower water usage method1 (liters per 15 min): {water_usage}") # print(f"Estimated cooling tower water usage method2 (liters per 15 min): {water_usage_meth2}") # calculate reward self.reward = 0 # calculate self.raw_next_state self.raw_next_state = self.get_obs() # Update the last action self.last_action = crac_setpoint_delta # add info dictionary = { 'dc_ITE_total_power_kW': data_center_total_ITE_Load / 1e3, 'dc_CT_total_power_kW': self.CT_Cooling_load / 1e3, 'dc_Compressor_total_power_kW': self.Compressor_load / 1e3, 'dc_HVAC_total_power_kW': (self.CT_Cooling_load + self.Compressor_load) / 1e3, 'dc_total_power_kW': (data_center_total_ITE_Load + self.CT_Cooling_load + self.Compressor_load + self.workload_hysterisis) / 1e3, 'dc_crac_setpoint_delta': crac_setpoint_delta, 'dc_crac_setpoint': self.raw_curr_stpt, 'dc_cpu_workload_fraction': self.cpu_load_frac, 'dc_int_temperature': np.mean(self.rackwise_outlet_temp), 'dc_exterior_ambient_temp': self.ambient_temp, 'dc_power_lb_kW': self.power_lb_kW, 'dc_power_ub_kW': self.power_ub_kW, 'dc_CW_pump_power_kW': self.CW_pump_load, 'dc_CT_pump_power_kW': self.CT_pump_load, 'dc_water_usage': self.water_usage, } #Done and truncated are managed by the main class, implement individual function if needed truncated = False done = False # return processed/unprocessed state to agent if self.scale_obs: return self.normalize(self.raw_next_state), self.reward, done, truncated,
[docs] def NormalizeObservation(self,): """ Obtains the value for normalizing the observation. """ self.scale_obs = True for obs_var in self.observation_variables: self.obs_min.append(self.ranges[obs_var][0]) self.obs_max.append(self.ranges[obs_var][1]) self.obs_min = np.array(self.obs_min) self.obs_max = np.array(self.obs_max) self.obs_delta = self.obs_max - self.obs_min
[docs] def normalize(self,obs): """ Normalizes the observation. """ return np.float32((obs-self.obs_min)/self.obs_delta)
[docs] def get_obs(self): """ Returns the observation at the current time step. Returns: observation (List[float]): Current state of the environmment. """ zone_air_therm_cooling_stpt = self.min_temp # in C, default for reset state if self.raw_curr_stpt is not None: zone_air_therm_cooling_stpt = self.raw_curr_stpt zone_air_temp = self.obs_min[2] # in C, default for reset state if self.rackwise_outlet_temp: zone_air_temp = sum(self.rackwise_outlet_temp)/len(self.rackwise_outlet_temp) # 'Facility Total HVAC Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)' ie 'HVAC POWER' hvac_power = self.HVAC_load # 'Facility Total Building Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)' ie 'IT POWER' if self.rackwise_cpu_pwr: it_power = sum(self.rackwise_cpu_pwr) + sum(self.rackwise_itfan_pwr) else: it_power = self.ranges['Facility Total Building Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)'][0] return [self.ambient_temp, zone_air_therm_cooling_stpt, zone_air_temp, hvac_power, it_power]
[docs] def set_shifted_wklds(self, cpu_load): """ Updates the current CPU workload. fraction between 0.0 and 1.0 """ if 0.0 > cpu_load or cpu_load > 1.0: print('CPU load out of bounds') assert 0.0 <= cpu_load <= 1.0, 'CPU load out of bounds' self.cpu_load_frac = cpu_load
[docs] def set_ambient_temp(self, ambient_temp, wet_bulb): """ Updates the external temperature. """ self.ambient_temp = ambient_temp self.wet_bulb = wet_bulb
[docs] def set_bat_SoC(self, bat_SoC): """ Updates the battery state of charge. """ self.bat_SoC = bat_SoC
[docs] def set_workload_hysterisis(self, power): self.workload_hysterisis = power * 1e6