import os
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union
import gymnasium
import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
import torch
from gymnasium import spaces
from utils import reward_creator
from utils.base_agents import (BaseBatteryAgent, BaseHVACAgent,
from utils.make_envs_pyenv import (make_bat_fwd_env, make_dc_pyeplus_env,
from utils.managers import (CI_Manager, Time_Manager, Weather_Manager,
from utils.utils_cf import get_energy_variables, get_init_day, obtain_paths
class EnvConfig(dict):
# Default configuration for this environment. New parameters should be
# added here
# Agents active
'agents': ['agent_ls', 'agent_dc', 'agent_bat'],
# Datafiles
'location': 'ny',
'cintensity_file': 'NYIS_NG_&_avgCI.csv',
'weather_file': 'USA_NY_New.York-Kennedy.epw',
'workload_file': 'Alibaba_CPU_Data_Hourly_1.csv',
# Capacity (MW) of the datacenter
'datacenter_capacity_mw': 1,
# Timezone shift
'timezone_shift': 0,
# Days per simulated episode
'days_per_episode': 30,
# Maximum battery capacity
'max_bat_cap_Mw': 2,
# Data center configuration file
'dc_config_file': 'dc_config.json',
# weight of the individual reward (1=full individual, 0=full collaborative, default=0.8)
'individual_reward_weight': 0.8,
# flexible load ratio of the total workload
'flexible_load': 0.1,
# Specify reward methods. These are defined in utils/reward_creator.
'ls_reward': 'default_ls_reward',
'dc_reward': 'default_dc_reward',
'bat_reward': 'default_bat_reward',
# Evaluation flag that is required by the load-shifting environment
# To be set only during offline evaluation
'evaluation': False,
# Set this to True if an agent (like MADDPG) returns continuous actions,
"actions_are_logits": False
def __init__(self, raw_config):
dict.__init__(self, self.DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy())
# Override defaults with the passed config
for key, val in raw_config.items():
self[key] = val
class DCRL(gym.Env):
def __init__(self, env_config):
env_config (dict): Dictionary containing parameters as defined in
EnvConfig above
# Initialize the environment config
env_config = EnvConfig(env_config)
# create environments and agents
self.agents = env_config['agents']
self.location = env_config['location']
self.ci_file = env_config['cintensity_file']
self.weather_file = env_config['weather_file']
self.workload_file = env_config['workload_file']
self.max_bat_cap_Mw = env_config['max_bat_cap_Mw']
self.indv_reward = env_config['individual_reward_weight']
self.collab_reward = (1 - self.indv_reward) / 2
self.flexible_load = env_config['flexible_load']
self.datacenter_capacity_mw = env_config['datacenter_capacity_mw']
self.dc_config_file = env_config['dc_config_file']
self.timezone_shift = env_config['timezone_shift']
self.days_per_episode = env_config['days_per_episode']
# Assign month according to worker index, if available
if hasattr(env_config, 'worker_index'):
self.month = int((env_config.worker_index - 1) % 12)
self.month = env_config.get('month')
self.evaluation_mode = env_config['evaluation']
self._agent_ids = set(self.agents)
ci_loc, wea_loc = obtain_paths(self.location)
ls_reward_method = 'default_ls_reward' if not 'ls_reward' in env_config.keys() else env_config['ls_reward']
self.ls_reward_method = reward_creator.get_reward_method(ls_reward_method)
dc_reward_method = 'default_dc_reward' if not 'dc_reward' in env_config.keys() else env_config['dc_reward']
self.dc_reward_method = reward_creator.get_reward_method(dc_reward_method)
bat_reward_method = 'default_bat_reward' if not 'bat_reward' in env_config.keys() else env_config['bat_reward']
self.bat_reward_method = reward_creator.get_reward_method(bat_reward_method)
n_vars_energy, n_vars_battery = 4,1
n_vars_ci = 8
self.ls_env = make_ls_env(month=self.month, test_mode=self.evaluation_mode, n_vars_ci=n_vars_ci, queue_max_len=1000)
self.dc_env, _ = make_dc_pyeplus_env(month=self.month+1, location=ci_loc, max_bat_cap_Mw=self.max_bat_cap_Mw, use_ls_cpu_load=True, datacenter_capacity_mw=self.datacenter_capacity_mw, dc_config_file=self.dc_config_file)
self.bat_env = make_bat_fwd_env(month=self.month, max_bat_cap_Mwh=self.dc_env.ranges['max_battery_energy_Mwh'],
max_dc_pw_MW=self.dc_env.ranges['Facility Total Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)'][1]/1e6,
dcload_max=self.dc_env.ranges['Facility Total Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)'][1],
dcload_min=self.dc_env.ranges['Facility Total Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)'][0],
self.bat_env.dcload_max = self.dc_env.power_ub_kW / 4 # Assuming 15 minutes timestep. Kwh
self.bat_env.dcload_min = self.dc_env.power_lb_kW / 4 # Assuming 15 minutes timestep. Kwh
self._obs_space_in_preferred_format = True
self.observation_space = []
self.action_space = []
self.base_agents = {}
flexible_load = 0
# Create the observation/action space if the agent is used for training.
# Otherwise, create the base agent for the environment.
if "agent_ls" in self.agents:
flexible_load = self.flexible_load
self.base_agents["agent_ls"] = BaseLoadShiftingAgent()
if "agent_dc" in self.agents:
self.base_agents["agent_dc"] = BaseHVACAgent()
if "agent_bat" in self.agents:
self.base_agents["agent_bat"] = BaseBatteryAgent()
# ls_state[0:10]->10 variables
# dc_state[4:9] & dc_state[11]->5+1 variables
# Create the managers: date/hour/time manager, workload manager, weather manager, and CI manager.
self.init_day = get_init_day(self.month)
self.t_m = Time_Manager(self.init_day, timezone_shift=self.timezone_shift, days_per_episode=self.days_per_episode)
self.workload_m = Workload_Manager(init_day=self.init_day, workload_filename=self.workload_file, timezone_shift=self.timezone_shift)
self.weather_m = Weather_Manager(init_day=self.init_day, location=wea_loc, filename=self.weather_file, timezone_shift=self.timezone_shift)
self.ci_m = CI_Manager(init_day=self.init_day, location=ci_loc, filename=self.ci_file, future_steps=n_vars_ci, timezone_shift=self.timezone_shift)
# This actions_are_logits is True only for MADDPG, because RLLib defines MADDPG only for continuous actions.
self.actions_are_logits = env_config.get("actions_are_logits", False)
def seed(self, seed=None):
if seed is None:
def reset(self):
Reset the environment.
seed (int, optional): Random seed.
options (dict, optional): Environment options.
states (dict): Dictionary of states.
infos (dict): Dictionary of infos.
self.ls_terminated = False
self.dc_terminated = False
self.bat_terminated = False
self.ls_truncated = False
self.dc_truncated = False
self.bat_truncated = False
self.ls_reward = 0
self.dc_reward = 0
self.bat_reward = 0
# Reset the managers
t_i = self.t_m.reset() # Time manager
workload = self.workload_m.reset() # Workload manager
temp, norm_temp, wet_bulb, norm_wet_bulb = self.weather_m.reset() # Weather manager
ci_i, ci_i_future = self.ci_m.reset() # CI manager. ci_i -> CI in the current timestep.
# Set the external ambient temperature to data center environment
self.dc_env.set_ambient_temp(temp, wet_bulb)
# Update the workload of the load shifting environment
# Reset all the environments
ls_s, self.ls_info = self.ls_env.reset()
self.dc_state, self.dc_info = self.dc_env.reset()
bat_s, self.bat_info = self.bat_env.reset()
# Update the shared observation space
batSoC = bat_s[1]
# dc state -> [time (sine/cosine enconded), original dc observation, current workload, current normalized CI, battery SOC]
self.dc_state = np.float32(np.hstack((t_i, self.dc_state, workload, ci_i_future[0], batSoC)))
var_to_LS_energy = get_energy_variables(self.dc_state)
# ls_state -> [time (sine/cosine enconded), original ls observation, current+future normalized CI, energy variables from DC, battery SoC]
self.ls_state = np.float32(np.hstack((t_i, ls_s, ci_i_future, var_to_LS_energy, batSoC)))
# bat_state -> [time (sine/cosine enconded), battery SoC, current+future normalized CI]
self.bat_state = np.float32(np.hstack((t_i, bat_s, ci_i_future)))
# states should be a dictionary with agent names as keys and their observations as values
states = {}
infos = {}
# Update states and infos considering the agents defined in the environment config self.agents.
if "agent_ls" in self.agents:
states["agent_ls"] = self.ls_state
infos["agent_ls"] = self.ls_info
if "agent_dc" in self.agents:
states["agent_dc"] = self.dc_state
infos["agent_dc"] = self.dc_info
if "agent_bat" in self.agents:
states["agent_bat"] = self.bat_state
infos["agent_bat"] = self.bat_info
available_actions = None
return states, infos, available_actions
def step(self, action_dict):
Step the environment.
action_dict: Dictionary of actions of each agent defined in self.agents.
obs (dict): Dictionary of observations/states.
rews (dict): Dictionary of rewards.
terminated (dict): Dictionary of terminated flags.
truncated (dict): Dictionary of truncated flags.
infos (dict): Dictionary of infos.
obs, rew, terminateds, truncateds, info = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
terminateds["__all__"] = False
truncateds["__all__"] = False
# Step in the managers
day, hour, t_i, terminal = self.t_m.step()
workload = self.workload_m.step()
temp, norm_temp, wet_bulb, norm_wet_bulb = self.weather_m.step()
ci_i, ci_i_future = self.ci_m.step()
# Extract the action from the action dictionary.
# If the agent is declared, use the action from the action dictionary.
# If the agent is not declared, use the default action (do nothing) of the base agent.
if "agent_ls" in self.agents:
action = action_dict["agent_ls"]
action = self.base_agents["agent_ls"].do_nothing_action()
# Now, update the load shifting environment/agent first.
# Do a step
self.ls_state, _, self.ls_terminated, self.ls_truncated, self.ls_info = self.ls_env.step(action)
# Now, the data center environment/agent.
if "agent_dc" in self.agents:
action = action_dict["agent_dc"]
action = self.base_agents["agent_dc"].do_nothing_action()
# Update the data center environment/agent.
shifted_wkld = self.ls_info['ls_shifted_workload']
self.dc_env.set_ambient_temp(temp, wet_bulb)
# Do a step in the data center environment
# By default, the reward is ignored. The reward is calculated after the battery env step with the total energy usage.
self.dc_state, _, self.dc_terminated, self.dc_truncated, self.dc_info = self.dc_env.step(action)
# Finally, the battery environment/agent.
if "agent_bat" in self.agents:
action = action_dict["agent_bat"]
action = self.base_agents["agent_bat"].do_nothing_action()
# The battery environment/agent is updated.
self.bat_env.set_dcload(self.dc_info['dc_total_power_kW'] / 1e3) # The DC load is updated with the total power in MW.
self.bat_state = self.bat_env.update_state() # The state is updated with DC load
self.bat_env.update_ci(ci_i, ci_i_future[0]) # Update the CI with the current CI, and the normalized current CI.
# Do a step in the battery environment
self.bat_state, _, self.bat_terminated, self.bat_truncated, self.bat_info = self.bat_env.step(action)
# Update the state of the bat state
batSoC = self.bat_state[1]
self.bat_state = np.float32(np.hstack((t_i, self.bat_state, ci_i_future)))
# self.dc_reward = -1.0 * self.bat_info['bat_total_energy_with_battery_KWh'] / 1e3 # The raw reward of the DC is directly the total energy consumption in MWh.
# Update the shared variables
self.dc_state = np.float32(np.hstack((t_i, self.dc_state, shifted_wkld, ci_i_future[0], batSoC)))
# We need to update the LS state with the DC energy variables and the final battery SoC.
var_to_LS_energy = get_energy_variables(self.dc_state)
# ls_state -> [time (sine/cosine enconded), original ls observation, current+future normalized CI, energy variables from DC, battery SoC]
self.ls_state = np.float32(np.hstack((t_i, self.ls_state, ci_i_future, var_to_LS_energy, batSoC)))
# params should be a dictionary with all of the info requiered plus other aditional information like the external temperature, the hour, the day of the year, etc.
# Merge the self.bat_info, self.ls_info, self.dc_info in one dictionary called info_dict
info_dict = {**self.bat_info, **self.ls_info, **self.dc_info}
add_info = {"outside_temp": temp, "day": day, "hour": hour, "norm_CI": ci_i_future[0]}
reward_params = {**info_dict, **add_info}
self.ls_reward, self.dc_reward, self.bat_reward = self.calculate_reward(reward_params)
# If agent_ls is included in the agents list, then update the observation, reward, terminated, truncated, and info dictionaries.
if "agent_ls" in self.agents:
obs['agent_ls'] = self.ls_state
rew["agent_ls"] = self.indv_reward * self.ls_reward + self.collab_reward * self.bat_reward + self.collab_reward * self.dc_reward
terminateds["agent_ls"] = False
info["agent_ls"] = self.ls_info
truncateds["agent_ls"] = False
# If agent_dc is included in the agents list, then update the observation, reward, terminated, truncated, and info dictionaries.
if "agent_dc" in self.agents:
obs["agent_dc"] = self.dc_state
rew["agent_dc"] = self.indv_reward * self.dc_reward + self.collab_reward * self.ls_reward + self.collab_reward * self.bat_reward
terminateds["agent_dc"] = False
info["agent_dc"] = {**self.dc_info, **add_info}
truncateds["agent_dc"] = False
# If agent_bat is included in the agents list, then update the observation, reward, terminated, truncated, and info dictionaries.
if "agent_bat" in self.agents:
obs["agent_bat"] = self.bat_state
rew["agent_bat"] = self.indv_reward * self.bat_reward + self.collab_reward * self.dc_reward + self.collab_reward * self.ls_reward
terminateds["agent_bat"] = False
info["agent_bat"] = self.bat_info
truncateds["agent_bat"] = False
info["__common__"] = reward_params
if terminal:
terminateds["__all__"] = False
truncateds["__all__"] = True
for agent in self.agents:
truncateds[agent] = True
return obs, rew, terminateds, truncateds, info
def calculate_reward(self, params):
Calculate the individual reward for each agent.
params (dict): Dictionary of parameters to calculate the reward.
ls_reward (float): Individual reward for the load shifting agent.
dc_reward (float): Individual reward for the data center agent.
bat_reward (float): Individual reward for the battery agent.
ls_reward = self.ls_reward_method(params)
dc_reward = self.dc_reward_method(params)
bat_reward = self.bat_reward_method(params)
return ls_reward, dc_reward, bat_reward
def close(self):
self.env.close() # pylint: disable=no-member
def get_avail_actions(self):
if self.discrete: # pylint: disable=no-member
avail_actions = []
for agent_id in range(self.n_agents): # pylint: disable=no-member
avail_agent = self.get_avail_agent_actions(agent_id)
return avail_actions
return None
def get_avail_agent_actions(self, agent_id):
"""Returns the available actions for agent_id"""
return [1] * self.action_space[agent_id].n
def state(self):
states = tuple(
self.scenario.observation( # pylint: disable=no-member[self._index_map[agent]], # pylint: disable=no-member
for agent in self.possible_agents # pylint: disable=no-member
return np.concatenate(states, axis=None)
def get_hierarchical_variables(self):
return self.datacenter_capacity, self.workload_m.get_current_workload(), self.weather_m.get_current_weather(), self.ci_m.get_current_ci() # pylint: disable=no-member
def set_hierarchical_workload(self, workload):