import os
import gymnasium as gym
from gymnasium import spaces
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from envs.bat_env_fwd_view import BatteryEnvFwd as battery_env_fwd
from envs.carbon_ls import CarbonLoadEnv
from envs.dc_gym import dc_gymenv
from utils.utils_cf import get_init_day
import envs.datacenter as DataCenter
from utils.dc_config_reader import DC_Config
import itertools
def make_ls_env(month,
n_vars_ci: int = 4,
n_vars_energy : int = 4,
n_vars_battery : int = 1,
queue_max_len: int = 500,
test_mode = False):
"""Method to build the Load shifting environment
month (int): Month of the year in which the agent is training.
n_vars_energy (int, optional): Number of variables from the Energy environment. Defaults to 4.
n_vars_battery (int, optional): Number of variables from the Battery environment. Defaults to 1.
queue_max_len (int, optional): The size of the queue where the tasks are stored to be processed latter. Default to 500.
CarbonLoadEnv: Load Shifting environment
return CarbonLoadEnv(n_vars_ci=n_vars_ci,
def make_bat_fwd_env(month,
max_bat_cap_Mwh : float = 2.0,
charging_rate : float = 0.5,
max_dc_pw_MW : float = 7.23,
dcload_max : float = 2.5,
dcload_min : float = 0.1,
n_fwd_steps : int = 4
"""Method to build the Battery environment.
month (int): Month of the year in which the agent is training.
max_bat_cap_Mwh (float, optional): Max battery capacity. Defaults to 2.0.
charging_rate (float, optional): Charging rate of the battery. Defaults to 0.5.
reward_method (str, optional): Method used to calculate the rewards. Defaults to 'default_bat_reward'.
battery_env_fwd: Batery environment.
init_day = get_init_day(month)
env_config= {'n_fwd_steps':n_fwd_steps,
bat_env = battery_env_fwd(env_config)
return bat_env
def make_dc_pyeplus_env(month : int = 1,
location : str = 'NYIS',
dc_config_file: str = 'dc_config_file.json',
datacenter_capacity_mw: int = 1,
max_bat_cap_Mw : float = 2.0,
add_cpu_usage : bool = True,
add_CI : bool = True,
episode_length_in_time : pd.Timedelta = None,
use_ls_cpu_load : bool = False,
num_sin_cos_vars : int = 4,
"""Method that creates the data center environment with the timeline, location, proper data files, gym specifications and auxiliary methods
month (int, optional): The month of the year for which the Environment uses the weather and Carbon Intensity data. Defaults to 1.
location (str, optional): The geographical location in a standard format for which Carbon Intensity files are accessed. Supported options are
'NYIS', 'AZPS', 'BPAT'. Defaults to 'NYIS'.
datacenter_capacity_mw (int, optional): Maximum capacity (MW) of the data center. This value will scale the number of servers installed in the data center.
max_bat_cap_Mw (float, optional): The battery capacity in Megawatts for the installed battery. Defaults to 2.0.
add_cpu_usage (bool, optional): Boolean Flag to indicate whether cpu usage is part of the environment statespace. Defaults to True.
add_CI (bool, optional): Boolean Flag to indicate whether Carbon Intensity is part of the environment statespace. Defaults to True.
episode_length_in_time (pd.Timedelta, optional): Length of an episode in terms of pandas time-delta object. Defaults to None.
use_ls_cpu_load (bool, optional): Use the cpu workload value from a separate Load Shifting agent. This turns of reading default cpu data. Defaults to False.
num_sin_cos_vars (int, optional): Number of sin and cosine variable that will be added externally from the centralized data source
envs.dc_gym.dc_gymenv: The environment instantiated with the particular month.
observation_variables = []
######################### Standard Variables included as default ###########
observation_variables += [
'Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature(Environment)',
'Zone Thermostat Cooling Setpoint Temperature(West Zone)',
'Zone Air Temperature(West Zone)',
'Facility Total HVAC Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)', # 'HVAC POWER'
# TODO: Will add sum of IT POWER and HVAC Power Here if AGP wants it
'Facility Total Building Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)' # 'IT POWER'
if add_cpu_usage:
observation_space = spaces.Box(low=np.float32(0.0*np.ones(len(observation_variables)+num_sin_cos_vars+int(3*float(add_cpu_usage)))),
observation_space = spaces.Box(low=np.float32(0.0*np.ones(len(observation_variables)+num_sin_cos_vars+1)), # p.o.
high=np.float32(1.0*np.ones(len(observation_variables)+num_sin_cos_vars+1)), # p.o. here we add 1 to only include current CI
########################## Action Variables ####################################
action_variables = ['Cooling_Setpoint_RL']
action_definition = {'cooling setpoints': {'name': 'Cooling_Setpoint_RL', 'initial_value': 18}}
min_temp = 15.0
max_temp = 21.6
action_mapping = {
0: (-1),
1: (0),
2: (1),
action_space = spaces.Discrete(len(action_mapping))
########################## System Sizing #####################################
# from DC_Config, scale the variable number of CPUs to have a similar value to "datacenter_capacity_mw"
dc_config = DC_Config(dc_config_file=dc_config_file, datacenter_capacity_mw=datacenter_capacity_mw) # Specify the relative or absolute path
# Perform Cooling Tower Sizing
# This step determines the potential maximum loading of the CT
# setting a higher ambient temp here will cause the CT to consume less power for cooling water under normal ambient temperature. Lower amb temp -> higher HVAC power
# setting a lower value of min_CRAC_setpoint will cause the CT to consume more power for higher crac setpoints during normal use. Lower min_CRAC_set -> higher HVAC power
# dictionary with locations and min_CRAC_setpoint/max_amb_temp
if 'NY'.lower() in location.lower():
max_amb_temperature = 30.0
elif 'AZ'.lower() in location.lower():
max_amb_temperature = 40.0
elif 'WA'.lower() in location.lower():
max_amb_temperature = 20.0
print('WARNING, using default values for chiller sizing...')
max_amb_temperature = 40.0
ctafr, ct_rated_load = DataCenter.chiller_sizing(dc_config, min_CRAC_setpoint=min_temp, max_CRAC_setpoint=max_temp, max_ambient_temp=max_amb_temperature)
dc_config.CT_REFRENCE_AIR_FLOW_RATE = ctafr
dc_config.CT_FAN_REF_P = ct_rated_load
# Perform sizing of ITE power and ambient temperature
# Find highest and lowest values of ITE power, rackwise outlet temperature
dc = DataCenter.DataCenter_ITModel(num_racks=dc_config.NUM_RACKS, rack_supply_approach_temp_list=dc_config.RACK_SUPPLY_APPROACH_TEMP_LIST,
rack_CPU_config=dc_config.RACK_CPU_CONFIG, max_W_per_rack=dc_config.MAX_W_PER_RACK, DC_ITModel_config=dc_config)
raw_curr_stpt_list = range(15,23)
cpu_load_list = range(0,110,10) # We assume same data center load for all servers; Here it will be max
p = itertools.product(raw_curr_stpt_list,cpu_load_list)
dc_ambient_temp_list = []
total_ite_pwr = []
for raw_curr_stpt, cpu_load in p:
ITE_load_pct_list = [cpu_load for i in range(dc_config.NUM_RACKS)]
rackwise_cpu_pwr, rackwise_itfan_pwr, rackwise_outlet_temp = \
dc.compute_datacenter_IT_load_outlet_temp(ITE_load_pct_list=ITE_load_pct_list, CRAC_setpoint=raw_curr_stpt)
total_ite_pwr.append(sum(rackwise_cpu_pwr) + sum(rackwise_itfan_pwr))
# Calculate the maximum power consumption of the chiller
# Assuming the worst-case scenario with the highest load and ambient temperature
max_cooling_cap = ct_rated_load # Maximum cooling capacity of the chiller
highest_ambient_temp = max_amb_temperature # Highest ambient temperature
max_load = max(total_ite_pwr) # Maximum load from your previous calculations
chiller_max_load = DataCenter.calculate_chiller_power(max_cooling_cap, max_load, highest_ambient_temp)
# This will be battery sizing
max_dc_power_w = 1.1*max(total_ite_pwr) + 1.1*ct_rated_load + 1.1*chiller_max_load # Watts
# By carbon explorer paper, we need a battery to feed the DC by at least 1 hours, so we need the energy metric
num_hours_battery = 1
num_timestep_hour = 4
max_dc_energy = (max_dc_power_w / num_timestep_hour) * (num_timestep_hour * num_hours_battery) # (energy_per_timestep) * (timestep * num_hours) Wh
max_dc_energy = max_dc_energy / 1e6 # Mhw
ranges = {
'sinhour': [-1.0, 1.0], #0
'coshour': [-1.0, 1.0], #1
'sindayOTY':[-1.0, 1.0], #2
'cosdayOTY':[-1.0, 1.0], #3
'hour':[0.0, 23.0], #4
'dayOTY':[1.0, 366.0], #5
'Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature(Environment)': [-10.0, 40.0], #6
'Zone Thermostat Cooling Setpoint Temperature(West Zone)': [15.0, 30.0], # reasonable range for setpoint; can be updated based on need #7
'Zone Air Temperature(West Zone)':[0.9*min(dc_ambient_temp_list), 1.1*max(dc_ambient_temp_list)],
'Facility Total HVAC Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)': [0.0, 1.1*ct_rated_load + 1.1*chiller_max_load], # this is cooling tower power and chiller power
'Facility Total Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)': [0.9*min(total_ite_pwr), 1.1*max(total_ite_pwr) + 1.1*ct_rated_load + 1.1*chiller_max_load], # TODO: This is not a part of the observation variables right now
'Facility Total Building Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)':[0.9*min(total_ite_pwr), 1.1*max(total_ite_pwr)], # this is it power
'cpuUsage':[0.0, 1.0],
'carbonIntensity':[0.0, 1000.0],
'batterySoC': [0.0, max_bat_cap_Mw*1e6],
'max_battery_energy_Mwh' : max_dc_energy
############################## Create the Environment ##########################
dc_env = dc_gymenv(observation_variables=observation_variables,
max_dc_pw = ranges['Facility Total HVAC Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)'][1]+\
ranges['Facility Total Building Electricity Demand Rate(Whole Building)'][1]
return dc_env, max_dc_pw