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Kubernetes deployment


This deployment is still a beta feature. Feel free to send pull requests to enhance the deployment or give us feedback though Gitter chat or GitHub discutions.


The Kubernetes deployment is wrapped by Ansible. The code has been tested with Ansible version 2.15.5.


Install Ansible dependencies:

ansible-galaxy install -r k8s/requirements.yml


Install Python dependencies:

pip3 install -r k8s/requirements.txt


Operators installation is handled by Helm. Follow the official documentation to install Helm on your workstation.

Ansible inventory

An example inventory file is present in k8s/inventory/group_vars/all/squest.yml.

For a minimal installation you need to at least provide information concerning your Kubernetes environment

k8s_kubeconfig_path: "/path/to/kubeconfig"
k8s_cluster_fqdn: "k8s.domain.local"
squest_namespace: "squest"
k8s_storage_class: "thin"

Deploy Squest using Ansible

Run the deploy playbook against your inventory config file:

cd k8s
ansible-playbook -v -i inventory deploy.yml


Name Description
namespace Create the Squest namespace
utils Install CRD utils (certmanager, Prometheus)
db Deploy mariadb CRDs, operator and server
rabbitmq Deploy rabbitmq CRDs, operator and service
redis Deploy redis CRDs, operator and service
django Deploy Squest application
celery Deploy Celery components (worker and beat)
maintenance Deploy nginx maintenance pod
backup Deploy backup cron jobs


By default, the deployment uses nginx ingress controller to configure the Squest external access on squest.{{ k8s_cluster_fqdn }}.


Squest config

The Squest configuration is injected as environment variables. The environment is placed in squest.yml as env flag like the following:

    TZ: "Europe/Paris"
    DB_HOST: "mariadb"
    DB_PORT: "3306"
    REDIS_CACHE_HOST: "rfrm-redis"
    DEBUG: "true"
    DB_USER: "{{ squest_db.user }}"
    DB_PASSWORD: "{{ squest_db.password }}"
    WAIT_HOSTS: "mariadb:3306,rabbitmq:5672"

Use your own ingress

By default, the playbook will configure an ingress that point to squest.{{ k8s_cluster_fqdn }} based on the nginx ingress controller.

To expose the Squest URL by using your own ingress controller, you can either update annotations (when the target controller can be managed by annotations) or disable the default ingress to declare then your ingress rules on your own.

To disable the default ingress configuration, in the squest.yml inventory file:

  image: ""
    enabled: false