Prometheus and Grafana configuration

All Monitoring-related variables for Prometheus and Grafana are described in #monitoring-config-table-conref. The variables determine the versions of various software tools that are used and it is recommended that the values given below are used.

Variable Description
cadvisor_version v0.28.3
node_exporter_version v1.15.0
prometheus_version v2.3.2
grafana_version 5.2.3
logspout_version v3.2.4
prom_persistent_vol_name The name of the volume which will be used to store the monitoring data. The volume is created using the vSphere Docker Volume plugin.
prom_persistent_vol_size The size of the volume which will hold the monitoring data. The exact syntax is dictated by the vSphere Docker Volume plugin. The default value is 10GB.