Deploying Sysdig monitoring on Docker Swarm

Sysdig configuration for Docker swarm

The following table defines the variables used for configuring the Sysdig deployment on Docker swarm.

Variable File Description
sysdig_access_key group_vars/all/vault After the activation of your account on the Sysdig portal, you will be provided with your access key which will be used by the playbooks to install the agent on each UCP, DTR and Linux worker node, as well as the NFS, logger and load balancer VMs.
sysdig_agent group_vars/all/vars Specifies the URL to the Sysdig Linux native install agent, for example,
sysdig_tags group_vars/all/vars Tagging your hosts is highly recommended. Tags allow you to sort the nodes of your infrastructure into custom groups in Sysdig Monitor. Specify location, role, and owner in the format: 'location:City,role:Enterprise CaaS,owner:Customer Name'

Running the playbook

The playbook playbooks/install_sysdig.yml is used to automate the configuration of the SaaS setup. By default, this playbook is commented out in site.yml and must be explicitly enabled. An access key variable must be set in the group_vars/all/vault file as detailed in the section Sysdig configuration for Docker swarm.

# cd Docker-Synergy
# ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/install_sysdig.yml --vault-password-file .vault_pass

Using the Sysdig software as a solution (SaaS) website, you are able to view, analyze and inspect various different dashboards.