# Introduction

The following section covers some common post-deployment tasks and validation.

  • Accessing the clusters
  • Logging into the Rancher cluster for the first time
  • Deploying a sample application

# Accessing the admin cluster

A kubeconfig file contains the credentials necessary to access your admin cluster with kubectl.

The installation should have created a kubeconfig file named ~/.svtrancher/kube_config_rancher-cluster.yml. This file has the credentials for kubectl and helm.

$ export KUBECONFIG=~/.svtrancher/kube_config_rancher-cluster.yml

Test your connectivity with kubectl and see if all your nodes in the admin cluster are in Ready state:

$ kubectl get nodes

NAME           STATUS   ROLES                      AGE    VERSION   Ready    controlplane,etcd,worker   6d1h   v1.17.2   Ready    controlplane,etcd,worker   6d1h   v1.17.2   Ready    controlplane,etcd,worker   6d1h   v1.17.2

# Accessing the user cluster

A kubeconfig file will have been created for the user cluster in the installation folder. The filename starts with kube_config. and contains the user cluter name followed by a unique identifier:

$ export KUBECONFIG=~/.svtrancher/kube_config.gmcg-user.c-t2h6g

Test your connectivity to the user cluster with kubectl and see if all your nodes in the use cluster are in Ready state:

kubectl get nodes

NAME        STATUS   ROLES               AGE   VERSION
gmcg-mas1   Ready    controlplane,etcd   6d    v1.17.2
gmcg-wrk1   Ready    worker              6d    v1.17.2
gmcg-wrk2   Ready    worker              6d    v1.17.2