# Active Directory Integration

Rancher supports multiple methods of authentication, one of which is integrating with Microsoft Active Directory services.

# Configuring Active Directory Variables

All variables relating to Active Directory integration are described in the table below.

Variable Name File Description
ad_ca_file group_vars/all/vars.yml The path to you Active Directory CA certificate stored in .pem format. A default ca.pem file is provided in playbooks/roles/ad-auth/files/ca.pem, but this certificate will not work in your environment.
ad_login_domain group_vars/all/vars.yml The Domain name served by your Active Directory service.
ad_server_name group_vars/all/vars.yml The name of your Active Directory server.
ad_service_account_username group_vars/all/vars.yml The username used to authenticate to your Active Directory service account.
ad_service_account_password group_vars/all/vault.yml The password used to authenticate to your Active Directory service account.
ad_tls group_vars/all/vars.yml A value of 'true' indicates your Active Directory service requires the use of TLS. A value of 'false' indicates your Active Directory service does not require TLS.
ad_port group_vars/all/vars.yml The port number used to access your Active Directory service.
ad_group_search_base group_vars/all/vars.yml String defining the AD search parameters for Group lookups.
ad_group_search_filter group_vars/all/vars.yml String defining the AD search filter used for Group lookups.
ad_user_search_base group_vars/all/vars.yml String defining the AD search parameters for User lookups.
ad_user_search_filter group_vars/all/vars.yml String defining the AD search filter used for User lookups.

Once these variables are set to the appropriate value, run the playbooks/ad-auth.yml playbook:

$ cd ~/Rancher-on-SimpliVity
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/ad-auth.yml --vault-password-file .vault_pass

# Active Directory Verification

Access the Rancher GUI and access the Security -> Authentication menu option to verify the Active Directory Authentication method is enabled.