Source code for harl.algorithms.actors.on_policy_base

"""Base class for on-policy algorithms."""

import torch
from harl.models.policy_models.stochastic_policy import StochasticPolicy
from harl.utils.models_tools import update_linear_schedule

[docs] class OnPolicyBase: def __init__(self, args, obs_space, act_space, device=torch.device("cpu")): """Initialize Base class. Args: args: (dict) arguments. obs_space: (gym.spaces or list) observation space. act_space: (gym.spaces) action space. device: (torch.device) device to use for tensor operations. """ # save arguments self.args = args self.device = device self.tpdv = dict(dtype=torch.float32, device=device) self.data_chunk_length = args["data_chunk_length"] self.use_recurrent_policy = args["use_recurrent_policy"] self.use_naive_recurrent_policy = args["use_naive_recurrent_policy"] self.use_policy_active_masks = args["use_policy_active_masks"] self.action_aggregation = args["action_aggregation"] = args["lr"] self.opti_eps = args["opti_eps"] self.weight_decay = args["weight_decay"] # save observation and action spaces self.obs_space = obs_space self.act_space = act_space # create actor network = StochasticPolicy(args, self.obs_space, self.act_space, self.device) # create actor optimizer self.actor_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(,, eps=self.opti_eps, weight_decay=self.weight_decay, )
[docs] def lr_decay(self, episode, episodes): """Decay the learning rates. Args: episode: (int) current training episode. episodes: (int) total number of training episodes. """ update_linear_schedule(self.actor_optimizer, episode, episodes,
[docs] def get_actions( self, obs, rnn_states_actor, masks, available_actions=None, deterministic=False ): """Compute actions for the given inputs. Args: obs: (np.ndarray) local agent inputs to the actor. rnn_states_actor: (np.ndarray) if actor has RNN layer, RNN states for actor. masks: (np.ndarray) denotes points at which RNN states should be reset. available_actions: (np.ndarray) denotes which actions are available to agent (if None, all actions available) deterministic: (bool) whether the action should be mode of distribution or should be sampled. """ actions, action_log_probs, rnn_states_actor = obs, rnn_states_actor, masks, available_actions, deterministic ) return actions, action_log_probs, rnn_states_actor
[docs] def evaluate_actions( self, obs, rnn_states_actor, action, masks, available_actions=None, active_masks=None, ): """Get action logprobs, entropy, and distributions for actor update. Args: obs: (np.ndarray / torch.Tensor) local agent inputs to the actor. rnn_states_actor: (np.ndarray / torch.Tensor) if actor has RNN layer, RNN states for actor. action: (np.ndarray / torch.Tensor) actions whose log probabilities and entropy to compute. masks: (np.ndarray / torch.Tensor) denotes points at which RNN states should be reset. available_actions: (np.ndarray / torch.Tensor) denotes which actions are available to agent (if None, all actions available) active_masks: (np.ndarray / torch.Tensor) denotes whether an agent is active or dead. """ ( action_log_probs, dist_entropy, action_distribution, ) = obs, rnn_states_actor, action, masks, available_actions, active_masks ) return action_log_probs, dist_entropy, action_distribution
[docs] def act( self, obs, rnn_states_actor, masks, available_actions=None, deterministic=False ): """Compute actions using the given inputs. Args: obs: (np.ndarray) local agent inputs to the actor. rnn_states_actor: (np.ndarray) if actor is RNN, RNN states for actor. masks: (np.ndarray) denotes points at which RNN states should be reset. available_actions: (np.ndarray) denotes which actions are available to agent (if None, all actions available) deterministic: (bool) whether the action should be mode of distribution or should be sampled. """ actions, _, rnn_states_actor = obs, rnn_states_actor, masks, available_actions, deterministic ) return actions, rnn_states_actor
[docs] def update(self, sample): """Update actor network. Args: sample: (Tuple) contains data batch with which to update networks. """ pass
[docs] def train(self, actor_buffer, advantages, state_type): """Perform a training update using minibatch GD. Args: actor_buffer: (OnPolicyActorBuffer) buffer containing training data related to actor. advantages: (np.ndarray) advantages. state_type: (str) type of state. """ pass
[docs] def prep_training(self): """Prepare for training."""
[docs] def prep_rollout(self): """Prepare for rollout."""