Source code for harl.common.buffers.off_policy_buffer_fp

"""Off-policy buffer."""
import numpy as np
import torch
from harl.common.buffers.off_policy_buffer_base import OffPolicyBufferBase

[docs] class OffPolicyBufferFP(OffPolicyBufferBase): """Off-policy buffer that uses Feature-Pruned (FP) state. When FP state is used, the critic takes different global state as input for different actors. Thus, OffPolicyBufferFP has an extra dimension for number of agents. """ def __init__(self, args, share_obs_space, num_agents, obs_spaces, act_spaces): """Initialize off-policy buffer. Args: args: (dict) arguments share_obs_space: (gym.Space or list) share observation space num_agents: (int) number of agents obs_spaces: (gym.Space or list) observation spaces act_spaces: (gym.Space) action spaces """ super(OffPolicyBufferFP, self).__init__(args, share_obs_space, num_agents, obs_spaces, act_spaces) # Buffer for share observations self.share_obs = np.zeros((self.buffer_size, self.num_agents, *self.share_obs_shape), dtype=np.float32) # Buffer for next share observations self.next_share_obs = np.zeros((self.buffer_size, self.num_agents, *self.share_obs_shape), dtype=np.float32) # Buffer for rewards received by agents at each timestep self.rewards = np.zeros((self.buffer_size, self.num_agents, 1), dtype=np.float32) # Buffer for done and termination flags self.dones = np.full((self.buffer_size, self.num_agents, 1), False) self.terms = np.full((self.buffer_size, self.num_agents, 1), False)
[docs] def sample(self): """Sample data for training. Returns: sp_share_obs: (n_agents \* batch_size, \*dim) sp_obs: (n_agents, batch_size, \*dim) sp_actions: (n_agents, batch_size, \*dim) sp_available_actions: (n_agents, batch_size, \*dim) sp_reward: (n_agents \* batch_size, 1) sp_done: (n_agents \* batch_size, 1) sp_valid_transitions: (n_agents, batch_size, 1) sp_term: (n_agents \* batch_size, 1) sp_next_share_obs: (n_agents \* batch_size, \*dim) sp_next_obs: (n_agents, batch_size, \*dim) sp_next_available_actions: (n_agents, batch_size, \*dim) sp_gamma: (n_agents \* batch_size, 1) """ self.update_end_flag() # update the current end flag indice = torch.randperm(self.cur_size).numpy()[: self.batch_size] # sample indice, shape: (batch_size, ) # get data at the beginning indice sp_share_obs = np.concatenate( self.share_obs[indice].transpose(1, 0, 2), axis=0 ) # (batch_size, n_agents, *dim) -> (n_agents, batch_size, *dim) -> (n_agents * batch_size, *dim) sp_obs = np.array([self.obs[agent_id][indice] for agent_id in range(self.num_agents)]) sp_actions = np.array( [self.actions[agent_id][indice] for agent_id in range(self.num_agents)] ) sp_valid_transitions = np.array( [self.valid_transitions[agent_id][indice] for agent_id in range(self.num_agents)] ) if self.act_spaces[0].__class__.__name__ == 'Discrete': sp_available_actions = np.array( [self.available_actions[agent_id][indice] for agent_id in range(self.num_agents)] ) # compute the indices along n steps indice = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(indice, axis=-1), self.num_agents, axis=-1) # (batch_size, n_agents) indices = [indice] for _ in range(self.n_step - 1): indices.append([-1])) # get data at the last indice sp_done = np.concatenate( [self.dones[indices[-1][:, agent_id], agent_id] for agent_id in range(self.num_agents)] ) # (n_agents, batch_size, 1) -> (n_agents * batch_size, 1) sp_term = np.concatenate( [self.terms[indices[-1][:, agent_id], agent_id] for agent_id in range(self.num_agents)] ) # (n_agents, batch_size, 1) -> (n_agents * batch_size, 1) sp_next_share_obs = np.concatenate( [self.next_share_obs[indices[-1][:, agent_id], agent_id] for agent_id in range(self.num_agents)] ) # (n_agents, batch_size, *dim) -> (n_agents * batch_size, *dim) sp_next_obs = np.array( [self.next_obs[agent_id][indices[-1][:, agent_id]] for agent_id in range(self.num_agents)] ) if self.act_spaces[0].__class__.__name__ == 'Discrete': sp_next_available_actions = np.array( [self.next_available_actions[agent_id][indices[-1][:, agent_id]] for agent_id in range(self.num_agents)] ) # compute accumulated rewards and the corresponding gamma gamma_buffer = np.ones((self.num_agents, self.n_step + 1)) for i in range(1, self.n_step + 1): gamma_buffer[:, i] = gamma_buffer[:, i - 1] * self.gamma sp_reward = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.num_agents, 1)) gammas = np.full((self.batch_size, self.num_agents), self.n_step) for n in range(self.n_step - 1, -1, -1): now = indices[n] end_flag = np.column_stack( [self.end_flag[now[:, agent_id], agent_id] for agent_id in range(self.num_agents)] ) gammas[end_flag > 0] = n + 1 sp_reward[end_flag > 0] = 0.0 rewards = np.expand_dims( np.column_stack([self.rewards[now[:, agent_id], agent_id] for agent_id in range(self.num_agents)]), axis=-1 ) sp_reward = rewards + self.gamma * sp_reward sp_reward = np.concatenate( sp_reward.transpose(1, 0, 2), axis=0 ) sp_gamma = np.concatenate( [gamma_buffer[agent_id][gammas[:, agent_id]] for agent_id in range(self.num_agents)] ).reshape(-1, 1) # (n_agents * batch_size, ) -> (n_agents * batch_size, 1) if self.act_spaces[0].__class__.__name__ == 'Discrete': return ( sp_share_obs, sp_obs, sp_actions, sp_available_actions, sp_reward, sp_done, sp_valid_transitions, sp_term, sp_next_share_obs, sp_next_obs, sp_next_available_actions, sp_gamma ) else: return ( sp_share_obs, sp_obs, sp_actions, None, sp_reward, sp_done, sp_valid_transitions, sp_term, sp_next_share_obs, sp_next_obs, None, sp_gamma, )
[docs] def next(self, indices): """Get next indices""" end_flag = np.column_stack( [self.end_flag[indices[:, agent_id], agent_id] for agent_id in range(self.num_agents)] ) # (batch_size, n_agents) return (indices + (1 - end_flag) * self.n_rollout_threads) % self.buffer_size
[docs] def update_end_flag(self): """Update current end flag for computing n-step return. End flag is True at the steps which are the end of an episode or the latest but unfinished steps. """ self.unfinished_index = ( self.idx - np.arange(self.n_rollout_threads) - 1 + self.cur_size ) % self.cur_size self.end_flag = self.dones.copy().squeeze() # FP: (batch_size, n_agents) self.end_flag[self.unfinished_index, :] = True