Source code for harl.common.buffers.on_policy_critic_buffer_ep

"""On-policy buffer for critic that uses Environment-Provided (EP) state."""
import torch
import numpy as np
from harl.utils.envs_tools import get_shape_from_obs_space
from harl.utils.trans_tools import _flatten, _sa_cast

[docs] class OnPolicyCriticBufferEP: """On-policy buffer for critic that uses Environment-Provided (EP) state.""" def __init__(self, args, share_obs_space): """Initialize on-policy critic buffer. Args: args: (dict) arguments share_obs_space: (gym.Space or list) share observation space """ self.episode_length = args["episode_length"] self.n_rollout_threads = args["n_rollout_threads"] self.hidden_sizes = args["hidden_sizes"] self.rnn_hidden_size = self.hidden_sizes[-1] self.recurrent_n = args["recurrent_n"] self.gamma = args["gamma"] self.gae_lambda = args["gae_lambda"] self.use_gae = args["use_gae"] self.use_proper_time_limits = args["use_proper_time_limits"] share_obs_shape = get_shape_from_obs_space(share_obs_space) if isinstance(share_obs_shape[-1], list): share_obs_shape = share_obs_shape[:1] # Buffer for share observations self.share_obs = np.zeros( (self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, *share_obs_shape), dtype=np.float32, ) # Buffer for rnn states of critic self.rnn_states_critic = np.zeros( ( self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, self.recurrent_n, self.rnn_hidden_size, ), dtype=np.float32, ) # Buffer for value predictions made by this critic self.value_preds = np.zeros( (self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, 1), dtype=np.float32 ) # Buffer for returns calculated at each timestep self.returns = np.zeros( (self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, 1), dtype=np.float32 ) # Buffer for rewards received by agents at each timestep self.rewards = np.zeros( (self.episode_length, self.n_rollout_threads, 1), dtype=np.float32 ) # Buffer for masks indicating whether an episode is done at each timestep self.masks = np.ones( (self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, 1), dtype=np.float32 ) # Buffer for bad masks indicating truncation and termination. If 0, trunction; if 1 and masks is 0, termination; else, not done yet. self.bad_masks = np.ones_like(self.masks) self.step = 0
[docs] def insert( self, share_obs, rnn_states_critic, value_preds, rewards, masks, bad_masks ): """Insert data into buffer.""" self.share_obs[self.step + 1] = share_obs.copy() self.rnn_states_critic[self.step + 1] = rnn_states_critic.copy() self.value_preds[self.step] = value_preds.copy() self.rewards[self.step] = rewards.copy() self.masks[self.step + 1] = masks.copy() self.bad_masks[self.step + 1] = bad_masks.copy() self.step = (self.step + 1) % self.episode_length
[docs] def after_update(self): """After an update, copy the data at the last step to the first position of the buffer.""" self.share_obs[0] = self.share_obs[-1].copy() self.rnn_states_critic[0] = self.rnn_states_critic[-1].copy() self.masks[0] = self.masks[-1].copy() self.bad_masks[0] = self.bad_masks[-1].copy()
[docs] def get_mean_rewards(self): """Get mean rewards for logging.""" return np.mean(self.rewards)
[docs] def compute_returns(self, next_value, value_normalizer=None): """Compute returns either as discounted sum of rewards, or using GAE. Args: next_value: (np.ndarray) value predictions for the step after the last episode step. value_normalizer: (ValueNorm) If not None, ValueNorm value normalizer instance. """ if ( self.use_proper_time_limits ): # consider the difference between truncation and termination if self.use_gae: # use GAE self.value_preds[-1] = next_value gae = 0 for step in reversed(range(self.rewards.shape[0])): if value_normalizer is not None: # use ValueNorm delta = ( self.rewards[step] + self.gamma * value_normalizer.denormalize(self.value_preds[step + 1]) * self.masks[step + 1] - value_normalizer.denormalize(self.value_preds[step]) ) gae = ( delta + self.gamma * self.gae_lambda * self.masks[step + 1] * gae ) gae = self.bad_masks[step + 1] * gae self.returns[step] = gae + value_normalizer.denormalize( self.value_preds[step] ) else: # do not use ValueNorm delta = ( self.rewards[step] + self.gamma * self.value_preds[step + 1] * self.masks[step + 1] - self.value_preds[step] ) gae = ( delta + self.gamma * self.gae_lambda * self.masks[step + 1] * gae ) gae = self.bad_masks[step + 1] * gae self.returns[step] = gae + self.value_preds[step] else: # do not use GAE self.returns[-1] = next_value for step in reversed(range(self.rewards.shape[0])): if value_normalizer is not None: # use ValueNorm self.returns[step] = ( self.returns[step + 1] * self.gamma * self.masks[step + 1] + self.rewards[step] ) * self.bad_masks[step + 1] + ( 1 - self.bad_masks[step + 1] ) * value_normalizer.denormalize( self.value_preds[step] ) else: # do not use ValueNorm self.returns[step] = ( self.returns[step + 1] * self.gamma * self.masks[step + 1] + self.rewards[step] ) * self.bad_masks[step + 1] + ( 1 - self.bad_masks[step + 1] ) * self.value_preds[ step ] else: # do not consider the difference between truncation and termination, i.e. all done episodes are terminated if self.use_gae: # use GAE self.value_preds[-1] = next_value gae = 0 for step in reversed(range(self.rewards.shape[0])): if value_normalizer is not None: # use ValueNorm delta = ( self.rewards[step] + self.gamma * value_normalizer.denormalize(self.value_preds[step + 1]) * self.masks[step + 1] - value_normalizer.denormalize(self.value_preds[step]) ) gae = ( delta + self.gamma * self.gae_lambda * self.masks[step + 1] * gae ) self.returns[step] = gae + value_normalizer.denormalize( self.value_preds[step] ) else: # do not use ValueNorm delta = ( self.rewards[step] + self.gamma * self.value_preds[step + 1] * self.masks[step + 1] - self.value_preds[step] ) gae = ( delta + self.gamma * self.gae_lambda * self.masks[step + 1] * gae ) self.returns[step] = gae + self.value_preds[step] else: # do not use GAE self.returns[-1] = next_value for step in reversed(range(self.rewards.shape[0])): self.returns[step] = ( self.returns[step + 1] * self.gamma * self.masks[step + 1] + self.rewards[step] )
[docs] def feed_forward_generator_critic( self, critic_num_mini_batch=None, mini_batch_size=None ): """Training data generator for critic that uses MLP network. Args: critic_num_mini_batch: (int) Number of mini batches for critic. mini_batch_size: (int) Size of mini batch for critic. """ # get episode_length, n_rollout_threads, mini_batch_size episode_length, n_rollout_threads = self.rewards.shape[0:2] batch_size = n_rollout_threads * episode_length if mini_batch_size is None: assert batch_size >= critic_num_mini_batch, ( f"The number of processes ({n_rollout_threads}) " f"* number of steps ({episode_length}) = {n_rollout_threads * episode_length} " f"is required to be greater than or equal to the number of critic mini batches ({critic_num_mini_batch})." ) mini_batch_size = batch_size // critic_num_mini_batch # shuffle indices rand = torch.randperm(batch_size).numpy() sampler = [ rand[i * mini_batch_size : (i + 1) * mini_batch_size] for i in range(critic_num_mini_batch) ] # Combine the first two dimensions (episode_length and n_rollout_threads) to form batch. # Take share_obs shape as an example: # (episode_length + 1, n_rollout_threads, *share_obs_shape) --> (episode_length, n_rollout_threads, *share_obs_shape) # --> (episode_length * n_rollout_threads, *share_obs_shape) share_obs = self.share_obs[:-1].reshape(-1, *self.share_obs.shape[2:]) rnn_states_critic = self.rnn_states_critic[:-1].reshape( -1, *self.rnn_states_critic.shape[2:] ) # actually not used, just for consistency value_preds = self.value_preds[:-1].reshape(-1, 1) returns = self.returns[:-1].reshape(-1, 1) masks = self.masks[:-1].reshape(-1, 1) for indices in sampler: # share_obs shape: # (episode_length * n_rollout_threads, *share_obs_shape) --> (mini_batch_size, *share_obs_shape) share_obs_batch = share_obs[indices] rnn_states_critic_batch = rnn_states_critic[indices] value_preds_batch = value_preds[indices] return_batch = returns[indices] masks_batch = masks[indices] yield share_obs_batch, rnn_states_critic_batch, value_preds_batch, return_batch, masks_batch
[docs] def naive_recurrent_generator_critic(self, critic_num_mini_batch): """Training data generator for critic that uses RNN network. This generator does not split the trajectories into chunks, and therefore maybe less efficient than the recurrent_generator_critic in training. Args: critic_num_mini_batch: (int) Number of mini batches for critic. """ # get n_rollout_threads and num_envs_per_batch n_rollout_threads = self.rewards.shape[1] assert n_rollout_threads >= critic_num_mini_batch, ( f"The number of processes ({n_rollout_threads}) " f"has to be greater than or equal to the number of " f"mini batches ({critic_num_mini_batch})." ) num_envs_per_batch = n_rollout_threads // critic_num_mini_batch # shuffle indices perm = torch.randperm(n_rollout_threads).numpy() T, N = self.episode_length, num_envs_per_batch for batch_id in range(critic_num_mini_batch): start_id = batch_id * num_envs_per_batch ids = perm[start_id : start_id + num_envs_per_batch] share_obs_batch = _flatten(T, N, self.share_obs[:-1, ids]) value_preds_batch = _flatten(T, N, self.value_preds[:-1, ids]) return_batch = _flatten(T, N, self.returns[:-1, ids]) masks_batch = _flatten(T, N, self.masks[:-1, ids]) rnn_states_critic_batch = self.rnn_states_critic[0, ids] yield share_obs_batch, rnn_states_critic_batch, value_preds_batch, return_batch, masks_batch
[docs] def recurrent_generator_critic(self, critic_num_mini_batch, data_chunk_length): """Training data generator for critic that uses RNN network. This generator splits the trajectories into chunks of length data_chunk_length, and therefore maybe more efficient than the naive_recurrent_generator_actor in training. Args: critic_num_mini_batch: (int) Number of mini batches for critic. data_chunk_length: (int) Length of data chunks. """ # get episode_length, n_rollout_threads, and mini_batch_size episode_length, n_rollout_threads = self.rewards.shape[0:2] batch_size = n_rollout_threads * episode_length data_chunks = batch_size // data_chunk_length mini_batch_size = data_chunks // critic_num_mini_batch assert ( episode_length % data_chunk_length == 0 ), f"episode length ({episode_length}) must be a multiple of data chunk length ({data_chunk_length})." assert data_chunks >= 2, "need larger batch size" # shuffle indices rand = torch.randperm(data_chunks).numpy() sampler = [ rand[i * mini_batch_size : (i + 1) * mini_batch_size] for i in range(critic_num_mini_batch) ] # The following data operations first transpose the first two dimensions of the data (episode_length, n_rollout_threads) # to (n_rollout_threads, episode_length), then reshape the data to (n_rollout_threads * episode_length, *dim). # Take share_obs shape as an example: # (episode_length + 1, n_rollout_threads, *share_obs_shape) --> (episode_length, n_rollout_threads, *share_obs_shape) # --> (n_rollout_threads, episode_length, *share_obs_shape) --> (n_rollout_threads * episode_length, *share_obs_shape) if len(self.share_obs.shape) > 3: share_obs = ( self.share_obs[:-1] .transpose(1, 0, 2, 3, 4) .reshape(-1, *self.share_obs.shape[2:]) ) else: share_obs = _sa_cast(self.share_obs[:-1]) value_preds = _sa_cast(self.value_preds[:-1]) returns = _sa_cast(self.returns[:-1]) masks = _sa_cast(self.masks[:-1]) rnn_states_critic = ( self.rnn_states_critic[:-1] .transpose(1, 0, 2, 3) .reshape(-1, *self.rnn_states_critic.shape[2:]) ) # generate mini-batches for indices in sampler: share_obs_batch = [] rnn_states_critic_batch = [] value_preds_batch = [] return_batch = [] masks_batch = [] for index in indices: ind = index * data_chunk_length share_obs_batch.append(share_obs[ind : ind + data_chunk_length]) value_preds_batch.append(value_preds[ind : ind + data_chunk_length]) return_batch.append(returns[ind : ind + data_chunk_length]) masks_batch.append(masks[ind : ind + data_chunk_length]) rnn_states_critic_batch.append( rnn_states_critic[ind] ) # only the beginning rnn states are needed L, N = data_chunk_length, mini_batch_size # These are all ndarrays of size (data_chunk_length, mini_batch_size, *dim) share_obs_batch = np.stack(share_obs_batch, axis=1) value_preds_batch = np.stack(value_preds_batch, axis=1) return_batch = np.stack(return_batch, axis=1) masks_batch = np.stack(masks_batch, axis=1) # rnn_states_critic_batch is a (mini_batch_size, *dim) ndarray rnn_states_critic_batch = np.stack(rnn_states_critic_batch).reshape( N, *self.rnn_states_critic.shape[2:] ) # Flatten the (data_chunk_length, mini_batch_size, *dim) ndarrays to (data_chunk_length * mini_batch_size, *dim) share_obs_batch = _flatten(L, N, share_obs_batch) value_preds_batch = _flatten(L, N, value_preds_batch) return_batch = _flatten(L, N, return_batch) masks_batch = _flatten(L, N, masks_batch) yield share_obs_batch, rnn_states_critic_batch, value_preds_batch, return_batch, masks_batch