Source code for harl.common.buffers.on_policy_critic_buffer_fp

"""On-policy buffer for critic that uses Feature-Pruned (FP) state."""
import torch
import numpy as np
from harl.utils.envs_tools import get_shape_from_obs_space
from harl.utils.trans_tools import _flatten, _ma_cast

[docs] class OnPolicyCriticBufferFP: """On-policy buffer for critic that uses Feature-Pruned (FP) state. When FP state is used, the critic takes different global state as input for different actors. Thus, OnPolicyCriticBufferFP has an extra dimension for number of agents compared to OnPolicyCriticBufferEP. """ def __init__(self, args, share_obs_space, num_agents): """Initialize on-policy critic buffer. Args: args: (dict) arguments share_obs_space: (gym.Space or list) share observation space num_agents: (int) number of agents """ self.episode_length = args["episode_length"] self.n_rollout_threads = args["n_rollout_threads"] self.hidden_sizes = args["hidden_sizes"] self.rnn_hidden_size = self.hidden_sizes[-1] self.recurrent_n = args["recurrent_n"] self.gamma = args["gamma"] self.gae_lambda = args["gae_lambda"] self.use_gae = args["use_gae"] self.use_proper_time_limits = args["use_proper_time_limits"] share_obs_shape = get_shape_from_obs_space(share_obs_space) if isinstance(share_obs_shape[-1], list): share_obs_shape = share_obs_shape[:1] # Buffer for share observations self.share_obs = np.zeros( ( self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, *share_obs_shape, ), dtype=np.float32, ) # Buffer for rnn states of critic self.rnn_states_critic = np.zeros( ( self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, self.recurrent_n, self.rnn_hidden_size, ), dtype=np.float32, ) # Buffer for value predictions made by this critic self.value_preds = np.zeros( (self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, 1), dtype=np.float32, ) # Buffer for returns calculated at each timestep self.returns = np.zeros_like(self.value_preds) # Buffer for rewards received by agents at each timestep self.rewards = np.zeros( (self.episode_length, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, 1), dtype=np.float32, ) # Buffer for masks indicating whether an episode is done at each timestep self.masks = np.ones( (self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, 1), dtype=np.float32, ) # Buffer for bad masks indicating truncation and termination. If 0, trunction; if 1 and masks is 0, termination; else, not done yet. self.bad_masks = np.ones_like(self.masks) self.step = 0
[docs] def insert( self, share_obs, rnn_states_critic, value_preds, rewards, masks, bad_masks ): """Insert data into buffer.""" self.share_obs[self.step + 1] = share_obs.copy() self.rnn_states_critic[self.step + 1] = rnn_states_critic.copy() self.value_preds[self.step] = value_preds.copy() self.rewards[self.step] = rewards.copy() self.masks[self.step + 1] = masks.copy() self.bad_masks[self.step + 1] = bad_masks.copy() self.step = (self.step + 1) % self.episode_length
[docs] def after_update(self): """After an update, copy the data at the last step to the first position of the buffer.""" self.share_obs[0] = self.share_obs[-1].copy() self.rnn_states_critic[0] = self.rnn_states_critic[-1].copy() self.masks[0] = self.masks[-1].copy() self.bad_masks[0] = self.bad_masks[-1].copy()
[docs] def get_mean_rewards(self): return np.mean(self.rewards)
[docs] def compute_returns(self, next_value, value_normalizer=None): """Compute returns either as discounted sum of rewards, or using GAE. Args: next_value: (np.ndarray) value predictions for the step after the last episode step. value_normalizer: (ValueNorm) If not None, ValueNorm value normalizer instance. """ if ( self.use_proper_time_limits ): # consider the difference between truncation and termination if self.use_gae: # use GAE self.value_preds[-1] = next_value gae = 0 for step in reversed(range(self.rewards.shape[0])): if value_normalizer is not None: # use ValueNorm delta = ( self.rewards[step] + self.gamma * value_normalizer.denormalize(self.value_preds[step + 1]) * self.masks[step + 1] - value_normalizer.denormalize(self.value_preds[step]) ) gae = ( delta + self.gamma * self.gae_lambda * gae * self.masks[step + 1] ) gae = gae * self.bad_masks[step + 1] self.returns[step] = gae + value_normalizer.denormalize( self.value_preds[step] ) else: # do not use ValueNorm delta = ( self.rewards[step] + self.gamma * self.value_preds[step + 1] * self.masks[step + 1] - self.value_preds[step] ) gae = ( delta + self.gamma * self.gae_lambda * self.masks[step + 1] * gae ) gae = gae * self.bad_masks[step + 1] self.returns[step] = gae + self.value_preds[step] else: # do not use GAE self.returns[-1] = next_value for step in reversed(range(self.rewards.shape[0])): if value_normalizer is not None: # use ValueNorm self.returns[step] = ( self.returns[step + 1] * self.gamma * self.masks[step + 1] + self.rewards[step] ) * self.bad_masks[step + 1] + ( 1 - self.bad_masks[step + 1] ) * value_normalizer.denormalize( self.value_preds[step] ) else: # do not use ValueNorm self.returns[step] = ( self.returns[step + 1] * self.gamma * self.masks[step + 1] + self.rewards[step] ) * self.bad_masks[step + 1] + ( 1 - self.bad_masks[step + 1] ) * self.value_preds[ step ] else: # do not consider the difference between truncation and termination, i.e. all done episodes are terminated if self.use_gae: # use GAE self.value_preds[-1] = next_value gae = 0 for step in reversed(range(self.rewards.shape[0])): if value_normalizer is not None: # use ValueNorm delta = ( self.rewards[step] + self.gamma * value_normalizer.denormalize(self.value_preds[step + 1]) * self.masks[step + 1] - value_normalizer.denormalize(self.value_preds[step]) ) gae = ( delta + self.gamma * self.gae_lambda * self.masks[step + 1] * gae ) self.returns[step] = gae + value_normalizer.denormalize( self.value_preds[step] ) else: # do not use ValueNorm delta = ( self.rewards[step] + self.gamma * self.value_preds[step + 1] * self.masks[step + 1] - self.value_preds[step] ) gae = ( delta + self.gamma * self.gae_lambda * self.masks[step + 1] * gae ) self.returns[step] = gae + self.value_preds[step] else: # do not use GAE self.returns[-1] = next_value for step in reversed(range(self.rewards.shape[0])): self.returns[step] = ( self.returns[step + 1] * self.gamma * self.masks[step + 1] + self.rewards[step] )
[docs] def feed_forward_generator_critic( self, critic_num_mini_batch=None, mini_batch_size=None ): """Training data generator for critic that uses MLP network. Args: critic_num_mini_batch: (int) Number of mini batches for critic. mini_batch_size: (int) Size of mini batch for critic. """ # get episode_length, n_rollout_threads, mini_batch_size episode_length, n_rollout_threads, num_agents = self.rewards.shape[0:3] batch_size = n_rollout_threads * episode_length * num_agents if mini_batch_size is None: assert batch_size >= critic_num_mini_batch, ( f"The number of processes ({n_rollout_threads}) " f"* number of steps ({episode_length}) * number of agents ({num_agents}) = {n_rollout_threads * episode_length * num_agents} " f"is required to be greater than or equal to the number of critic mini batches ({critic_num_mini_batch})." ) mini_batch_size = batch_size // critic_num_mini_batch # shuffle indices rand = torch.randperm(batch_size).numpy() sampler = [ rand[i * mini_batch_size : (i + 1) * mini_batch_size] for i in range(critic_num_mini_batch) ] # Combine the first three dimensions (episode_length, n_rollout_threads, num_agents) to form batch. # Take share_obs shape as an example: # (episode_length + 1, n_rollout_threads, num_agents, *share_obs_shape) --> (episode_length, n_rollout_threads, num_agents, *share_obs_shape) # --> (episode_length * n_rollout_threads * num_agents, *share_obs_shape) share_obs = self.share_obs[:-1].reshape(-1, *self.share_obs.shape[3:]) rnn_states_critic = self.rnn_states_critic[:-1].reshape( -1, *self.rnn_states_critic.shape[3:] ) # actually not used, just for consistency value_preds = self.value_preds[:-1].reshape(-1, 1) returns = self.returns[:-1].reshape(-1, 1) masks = self.masks[:-1].reshape(-1, 1) for indices in sampler: # share_obs shape: # (episode_length * n_rollout_threads * num_agents, *share_obs_shape) --> (mini_batch_size, *share_obs_shape) share_obs_batch = share_obs[indices] rnn_states_critic_batch = rnn_states_critic[indices] value_preds_batch = value_preds[indices] return_batch = returns[indices] masks_batch = masks[indices] yield share_obs_batch, rnn_states_critic_batch, value_preds_batch, return_batch, masks_batch
[docs] def naive_recurrent_generator_critic(self, critic_num_mini_batch): """Training data generator for critic that uses RNN network. This generator does not split the trajectories into chunks, and therefore maybe less efficient than the recurrent_generator_critic in training. Args: critic_num_mini_batch: (int) Number of mini batches for critic. """ # get n_rollout_threads and num_envs_per_batch _, n_rollout_threads, num_agents = self.rewards.shape[0:3] batch_size = n_rollout_threads * num_agents assert batch_size >= critic_num_mini_batch, ( f"PPO requires the number of processes ({n_rollout_threads})* number of agents ({num_agents}) " f"to be greater than or equal to the number of " f"PPO mini batches ({critic_num_mini_batch})." ) num_envs_per_batch = batch_size // critic_num_mini_batch # shuffle indices perm = torch.randperm(batch_size).numpy() # Reshape the buffers from (episode_length, n_rollout_threads, num_agents, *dim) to (episode_length, n_rollout_threads * num_agents, *dim) share_obs = self.share_obs.reshape(-1, batch_size, *self.share_obs.shape[3:]) rnn_states_critic = self.rnn_states_critic.reshape( -1, batch_size, *self.rnn_states_critic.shape[3:] ) value_preds = self.value_preds.reshape(-1, batch_size, 1) returns = self.returns.reshape(-1, batch_size, 1) masks = self.masks.reshape(-1, batch_size, 1) T, N = self.episode_length, num_envs_per_batch # prepare data for each mini batch for batch_id in range(critic_num_mini_batch): start_id = batch_id * num_envs_per_batch ids = perm[start_id : start_id + num_envs_per_batch] share_obs_batch = _flatten(T, N, share_obs[:-1, ids]) value_preds_batch = _flatten(T, N, value_preds[:-1, ids]) return_batch = _flatten(T, N, returns[:-1, ids]) masks_batch = _flatten(T, N, masks[:-1, ids]) rnn_states_critic_batch = rnn_states_critic[0, ids] yield share_obs_batch, rnn_states_critic_batch, value_preds_batch, return_batch, masks_batch
[docs] def recurrent_generator_critic(self, critic_num_mini_batch, data_chunk_length): """Training data generator for critic that uses RNN network. This generator splits the trajectories into chunks of length data_chunk_length, and therefore maybe more efficient than the naive_recurrent_generator_actor in training. Args: critic_num_mini_batch: (int) Number of mini batches for critic. data_chunk_length: (int) Length of data chunks. """ # get episode_length, n_rollout_threads, num_agents, and mini_batch_size episode_length, n_rollout_threads, num_agents = self.rewards.shape[0:3] batch_size = n_rollout_threads * episode_length * num_agents data_chunks = batch_size // data_chunk_length mini_batch_size = data_chunks // critic_num_mini_batch assert ( episode_length % data_chunk_length == 0 ), f"episode length ({episode_length}) must be a multiple of data chunk length ({data_chunk_length})." assert data_chunks >= 2, "need larger batch size" # shuffle indices rand = torch.randperm(data_chunks).numpy() sampler = [ rand[i * mini_batch_size : (i + 1) * mini_batch_size] for i in range(critic_num_mini_batch) ] # The following data operations first transpose the first three dimensions of the data (episode_length, n_rollout_threads, num_agents) # to (n_rollout_threads, num_agents, episode_length), then reshape the data to (n_rollout_threads * num_agents * episode_length, *dim). # Take share_obs shape as an example: # (episode_length + 1, n_rollout_threads, num_agents, *share_obs_shape) --> (episode_length, n_rollout_threads, num_agents, *share_obs_shape) # --> (n_rollout_threads, num_agents, episode_length, *share_obs_shape) --> (n_rollout_threads * num_agents * episode_length, *share_obs_shape) if len(self.share_obs.shape) > 4: share_obs = ( self.share_obs[:-1] .transpose(1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 5) .reshape(-1, *self.share_obs.shape[3:]) ) else: share_obs = _ma_cast(self.share_obs[:-1]) value_preds = _ma_cast(self.value_preds[:-1]) returns = _ma_cast(self.returns[:-1]) masks = _ma_cast(self.masks[:-1]) rnn_states_critic = ( self.rnn_states_critic[:-1] .transpose(1, 2, 0, 3, 4) .reshape(-1, *self.rnn_states_critic.shape[3:]) ) # generate mini-batches for indices in sampler: share_obs_batch = [] rnn_states_critic_batch = [] value_preds_batch = [] return_batch = [] masks_batch = [] for index in indices: ind = index * data_chunk_length share_obs_batch.append(share_obs[ind : ind + data_chunk_length]) value_preds_batch.append(value_preds[ind : ind + data_chunk_length]) return_batch.append(returns[ind : ind + data_chunk_length]) masks_batch.append(masks[ind : ind + data_chunk_length]) rnn_states_critic_batch.append( rnn_states_critic[ind] ) # only the beginning rnn states are needed L, N = data_chunk_length, mini_batch_size # These are all ndarrays of size (data_chunk_length, mini_batch_size, *dim) share_obs_batch = np.stack(share_obs_batch, axis=1) value_preds_batch = np.stack(value_preds_batch, axis=1) return_batch = np.stack(return_batch, axis=1) masks_batch = np.stack(masks_batch, axis=1) # rnn_states_critic_batch is a (mini_batch_size, *dim) ndarray rnn_states_critic_batch = np.stack(rnn_states_critic_batch).reshape( N, *self.rnn_states_critic.shape[3:] ) # Flatten the (data_chunk_length, mini_batch_size, *dim) ndarrays to (data_chunk_length * mini_batch_size, *dim) share_obs_batch = _flatten(L, N, share_obs_batch) value_preds_batch = _flatten(L, N, value_preds_batch) return_batch = _flatten(L, N, return_batch) masks_batch = _flatten(L, N, masks_batch) yield share_obs_batch, rnn_states_critic_batch, value_preds_batch, return_batch, masks_batch