Source code for harl.models.policy_models.stochastic_mlp_policy

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from harl.utils.envs_tools import check, get_shape_from_obs_space
from harl.models.base.cnn import CNNBase
from harl.models.base.mlp import MLPBase
from harl.models.base.act import ACTLayer

[docs] class StochasticMlpPolicy(nn.Module): """Stochastic policy model that only uses MLP network. Outputs actions given observations.""" def __init__(self, args, obs_space, action_space, device=torch.device("cpu")): """Initialize StochasticMlpPolicy model. Args: args: (dict) arguments containing relevant model information. obs_space: (gym.Space) observation space. action_space: (gym.Space) action space. device: (torch.device) specifies the device to run on (cpu/gpu). """ super(StochasticMlpPolicy, self).__init__() self.hidden_sizes = args["hidden_sizes"] self.args = args self.gain = args["gain"] self.initialization_method = args["initialization_method"] self.tpdv = dict(dtype=torch.float32, device=device) obs_shape = get_shape_from_obs_space(obs_space) base = CNNBase if len(obs_shape) == 3 else MLPBase self.base = base(args, obs_shape) self.act = ACTLayer( action_space, self.hidden_sizes[-1], self.initialization_method, self.gain, args, )
[docs] def forward(self, obs, available_actions=None, stochastic=True): """Compute actions from the given inputs. Args: obs: (np.ndarray / torch.Tensor) observation inputs into network. available_actions: (np.ndarray / torch.Tensor) denotes which actions are available to agent (if None, all actions available) stochastic: (bool) whether to sample from action distribution or return the mode. Returns: actions: (torch.Tensor) actions to take. """ obs = check(obs).to(**self.tpdv) deterministic = not stochastic if available_actions is not None: available_actions = check(available_actions).to(**self.tpdv) actor_features = self.base(obs) actions, action_log_probs = self.act( actor_features, available_actions, deterministic ) return actions
[docs] def get_logits(self, obs, available_actions=None): """Get action logits from the given inputs. Args: obs: (np.ndarray / torch.Tensor) input to network. available_actions: (np.ndarray / torch.Tensor) denotes which actions are available to agent (if None, all actions available) Returns: action_logits: (torch.Tensor) logits of actions for the given inputs. """ obs = check(obs).to(**self.tpdv) if available_actions is not None: available_actions = check(available_actions).to(**self.tpdv) actor_features = self.base(obs) return self.act.get_logits(actor_features, available_actions)