Source code for harl.models.value_function_models.v_net

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from harl.models.base.cnn import CNNBase
from harl.models.base.mlp import MLPBase
from harl.models.base.rnn import RNNLayer
from harl.utils.envs_tools import check, get_shape_from_obs_space
from harl.utils.models_tools import init, get_init_method

[docs] class VNet(nn.Module): """V Network. Outputs value function predictions given global states.""" def __init__(self, args, cent_obs_space, device=torch.device("cpu")): """Initialize VNet model. Args: args: (dict) arguments containing relevant model information. cent_obs_space: (gym.Space) centralized observation space. device: (torch.device) specifies the device to run on (cpu/gpu). """ super(VNet, self).__init__() self.hidden_sizes = args["hidden_sizes"] self.initialization_method = args["initialization_method"] self.use_naive_recurrent_policy = args["use_naive_recurrent_policy"] self.use_recurrent_policy = args["use_recurrent_policy"] self.recurrent_n = args["recurrent_n"] self.tpdv = dict(dtype=torch.float32, device=device) init_method = get_init_method(self.initialization_method) cent_obs_shape = get_shape_from_obs_space(cent_obs_space) base = CNNBase if len(cent_obs_shape) == 3 else MLPBase self.base = base(args, cent_obs_shape) if self.use_naive_recurrent_policy or self.use_recurrent_policy: self.rnn = RNNLayer( self.hidden_sizes[-1], self.hidden_sizes[-1], self.recurrent_n, self.initialization_method, ) def init_(m): return init(m, init_method, lambda x: nn.init.constant_(x, 0)) self.v_out = init_(nn.Linear(self.hidden_sizes[-1], 1))
[docs] def forward(self, cent_obs, rnn_states, masks): """Compute actions from the given inputs. Args: cent_obs: (np.ndarray / torch.Tensor) observation inputs into network. rnn_states: (np.ndarray / torch.Tensor) if RNN network, hidden states for RNN. masks: (np.ndarray / torch.Tensor) mask tensor denoting if RNN states should be reinitialized to zeros. Returns: values: (torch.Tensor) value function predictions. rnn_states: (torch.Tensor) updated RNN hidden states. """ cent_obs = check(cent_obs).to(**self.tpdv) rnn_states = check(rnn_states).to(**self.tpdv) masks = check(masks).to(**self.tpdv) critic_features = self.base(cent_obs) if self.use_naive_recurrent_policy or self.use_recurrent_policy: critic_features, rnn_states = self.rnn(critic_features, rnn_states, masks) values = self.v_out(critic_features) return values, rnn_states