Source code for harl.utils.discrete_util

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import Variable
import numpy as np

[docs] def onehot_from_logits(logits, eps=0.0): """ Given batch of logits, return one-hot sample using epsilon greedy strategy (based on given epsilon) """ # get best (according to current policy) actions in one-hot form argmax_acs = (logits == logits.max(1, keepdim=True)[0]).float() if eps == 0.0: return argmax_acs # get random actions in one-hot form rand_acs = Variable( torch.eye(logits.shape[1])[ [np.random.choice(range(logits.shape[1]), size=logits.shape[0])] ], requires_grad=False, ) # chooses between best and random actions using epsilon greedy return torch.stack( [ argmax_acs[i] if r > eps else rand_acs[i] for i, r in enumerate(torch.rand(logits.shape[0])) ] )
[docs] def sample_gumbel(shape, device, eps=1e-20, tens_type=torch.FloatTensor): """Sample from Gumbel(0, 1)""" U = Variable(tens_type(*shape).uniform_(), requires_grad=False).to(device) return -torch.log(-torch.log(U + eps) + eps)
[docs] def gumbel_softmax_sample(logits, temperature, device): """Draw a sample from the Gumbel-Softmax distribution""" y = logits + sample_gumbel(logits.shape, tens_type=type(, device=device) return F.softmax(y / temperature, dim=1)
[docs] def gumbel_softmax(logits, device, temperature=1.0, hard=False): """Sample from the Gumbel-Softmax distribution and optionally discretize. Args: logits: [batch_size, n_class] unnormalized log-probs temperature: non-negative scalar hard: if True, take argmax, but differentiate w.r.t. soft sample y Returns: [batch_size, n_class] sample from the Gumbel-Softmax distribution. If hard=True, then the returned sample will be one-hot, otherwise it will be a probabilitiy distribution that sums to 1 across classes """ y = gumbel_softmax_sample(logits, temperature, device=device) if hard: y_hard = onehot_from_logits(y) y = (y_hard - y).detach() + y return y