# Securing HPE Synergy Composer powered by HPE OneView

This folder consists of initial scripts to secure HPE composer powered by HPE OneView.

# Overview

This automation script updates the following security parameters available in HPE Synergy Composer:

  1. Cryptographic mode

This option allows the configuration of the cryptography mode for your HPE Synergy Composer appliance. Available cryptography modes include:

  • Legacy: This is the default cryptography mode. In the legacy mode all TLS protocol versions (1.0, 1.1, and 1.2) and associated cipher suites for those versions are supported. TLS certificates are not required to have FIPS or CNSA minimum key lengths nor strong digital signatures.

  • FIPS: Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140-2 is a U.S. government computer security standard for products performing cryptography. The FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Validation Program has validated the cryptography libraries of HPE OneView. When in the FIPS mode:

  • The cryptographic modules of the appliance are configured to operate in accordance with the FIPS 140-2 level 1 specification. This setting ensures that the required FIPS self-tests are run while loading these cryptographic modules.

  • The ciphers and algorithms used for cryptographic operations by the appliance are restricted to only those approved by FIPS.

  • The appliance allows only TLS1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols for all TLS communications.

  • All SSH and SNMPv3 communication use only cipher suites and algorithms approved by FIPS.

For additional information, see the FIPS-140 site at http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp/standards.html (opens new window).

  • CNSA: The Commercial National Security Algorithm (CNSA) cryptography mode restricts HPE OneView to use only those algorithms included in the CNSA suite. The CNSA suite is a subset of the general FIPS support and includes a set of algorithms used to protect national security systems, including information classified as 'top secret.' In the CNSA mode, the appliance uses only TLS 1.2 protocol and a CNSA-strength subset of the TLS 1.2 ciphers. Similarly, SSH and SNMP communication uses CNSA-compliant ciphers and algorithms.

For additional information, see the CNSA standards site at https://www.iad.gov/iad/programs/iad-initiatives/cnsa-suite.cfm (opens new window).

  1. Enforcing Complex Password

This option allows the configuration of the Complex password requirements for the HPE Synergy Composer.

Complex password is enforced when users change their password or create user accounts. Complex password rules apply only for the local users configured in HPE OneView. For authentication directory service users, the authentication directory configuration determines the password complexity rules

Complex passwords must contain the following:

  • Minimum of 14 characters

  • Minimum of one uppercase character

  • Minimum of one lowercase character

  • Minimum one number

  • Minimum of one special character. For example, !@#$^*_-=+,.?

  • No whitespace

  1. Hardware Setup Access

This option allows the configuration of the Hardware setup access to the HPE Synergy Composer. This option controls whether the Hardware Setup button is available from the appliance console. This button allows credential-free access to the Hardware Setup user account from the physical system console.

  1. SSH Access

This option allows the configuration of the SSH access to the HPE Synergy Composer. HPE OneView supports Secure Shell (SSH) to remotely access the appliance to perform maintenance and recovery operations. Without SSH access, you must access the appliance console. To avoid requiring a console access, SSH access is enabled by default. However, remote access to maintenance and recovery operations is considered a security risk by some users. Therefore, HPE OneView provides the option to disable the remote access to the appliance via SSH.


SSH access must be enabled to access the serial console CLI. The serial console CLI is used to access unmanaged interconnects.

  1. Services Console Access

This option allows the configuration of the access to Service Console. By default, authorized technical support personnel are allowed to access your system through the appliance console and diagnose issues that you have reported.


There are several ways to allow authorized support representatives to access the appliance for advanced troubleshooting operations:

  • If on site, the authorized support representative can use the appliance console or an SSH session to the HPE OneView maintenance console.

  • A shared virtual desktop session where the authorized support representative works with you to obtain a one-time password and you allow him to access the appliance console or maintenance console through the virtual desktop.

  • You can enable service console access and the service sessions features to allow the authorized support representative to access HPE OneView directly through a secure tunnel.

Support access is privileged, which enables the authorized technical support representative to debug any problems on the appliance. Access to the services access account requires the technician to obtain a one-time password using a challenge/response mechanism similar to the one for a password reset. Any time after the initial configuration of the appliance, an Infrastructure administrator can enable or disable services access through the user interface.

For more information on the securing HPE Synergy Composer, refer to the documentation at https://techlibrary.hpe.com/docs/enterprise/servers/oneview5.2/cicf/en/index.html#c_settings-security.html (opens new window)


  • CentOS 7 or RHEL 7.6 Installer machine with the following configurations is essential:
  1. Python 3.6 or above is present and latest version associated pip is present.

  2. Ansible 2.9 is installed

  • HPE Synergy Composer powered by HPE OneView version 5.2 is available within the deployment environment.

  • HPE OneView login credentials for the account with Infrastructure administrator privileges is required.

# Installation

Figure 43 shows an overview of the steps involved in configuring composer security via the automation.

Figure 43. Flow of execution for composer security

  1. Enable Python3 and Ansible Environment as mentioned in "Installer machine" section of deployment guide.

  2. There are 2 input files config.json and server_details.json, both of which needs to be updated with values for all the variables present within them.

    • Execute the following command to open the config.json file and update it with the of HPE OneView IP address, X API version and credentials.
    > ansible-vault edit config.json


    Default password for Ansible Vault file "config.json" is changeme.

    Example values for the input configuration is as follows

    "oneview_ip": "<IP address of HPE OneView>",
    "oneview_username": "<username of HPE OneView with account
    Infrastructure administrator priviliges>",
    "oneview_password": "<password for HPE OneView with account
    Infrastructure administrator priviliges>",
    "oneview_x_api_version": "<HPE OneView X API version, 1800 for
    HPE OneView 5.2>"
  3. Execute the following command to open the composer_security_config.json file and update it with the of desired security configurations for HPE OneView.

> vi composer_security_config.json

# Configurations

  1. Cryptographic mode

Input variable name - CryptographicMode

Accepted values - Legacy (for enabling Legacy cryptographic mode), FIPS (for enabling FIPS cryptographic mode), CNSA (for enabling CNSA cryptographic mode)

  1. Enforcing Complex Password

Input variable name - enforceComplexPasswordEnabled

Accepted values - true (For enabling Complex Password) or false (For disabling Complex Password)

  1. Hardware Setup Access

Input variable name - technicianEnabled

Accepted values - true (For enabling Hardware setup access) or false (For disabling Hardware setup access)

  1. SSH Access

Input variable name - allowSshAccess

Accepted values - true (For enabling SSH access) or false (For disabling SSH access)

  1. Services Console Access

Input variable name -- ServiceConsoleAccess

Accepted values - true (For enabling Authorized services access) or false (For disabling Authorized services access)

Example values for the input configuration is as follows.


"CryptographicMode": "CNSA",

"enforceComplexPasswordEnabled": false,

"technicianEnabled": false,

"allowSshAccess": false,

"ServiceConsoleAccess": false

  1. Executing the script to update the security configurations of HPE Synergy Composer.
> python3 composer_security.py


This script requires a confirmation to configure the security features of HPE OneView and prompts the following message.

For general settings:

Message - Press enter to confirm the changes. By pressing enter you confirm that you understand the implications and agree for the state to be updated:

For cryptographic mode settings:

Message - This operation requires a reboot and approximately takes around 40 mins once the request is initiated.

Press "Enter" to confirm the changes. By pressing enter you confirm that you understand the implications and agree for the state to be updated:

The installation user could choose to press enter to approve the updates or could choose to abort the execution of the script.