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Configure settings

Default settings are configured to provide a testing/development environment. For a production setup it is recommended to adjust them following you production target environment.

The configuration is loaded from environment variables file placed in the folder docker/environment_variables.

Environment variables

Variable Default Comment
SECRET_KEY Default randomly-generated Django secret key used for cryptographic signing. Doc.
ALLOWED_HOSTS * Comma separated list of allowed FQDN. Doc.
MYSQL_DATABASE squest_db Mysql database name.
MYSQL_USER squest_user Mysql user used to connect to the DB name.
MYSQL_PASSWORD squest_password Password of the mysql user name.
MYSQL_HOST Mysql DB host. Switch to db when not in dev env.
MYSQL_PORT 3306 Mysql DB port.
LDAP_ENABLED False Set to True to enable LDAP based authentication. See configuration doc.
CELERY_BROKER_URL amqp://rabbitmq:rabbitmq@localhost:5672/squest Rabbitmq URL. Replace localhost by rabbitmq when not in dev env.
CELERYD_TASK_SOFT_TIME_LIMIT 300 Async task execution timeout. Doc.
SQUEST_HOST http://squest.domain.local Address of the Squest portal instance.
SQUEST_EMAIL_HOST squest.domain.local Domain name used as email sender. E.g: "squest@squest.domain.local".
SQUEST_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED Based on DEBUG value by default Set to True to enable email notification.
EMAIL_HOST localhost The SMTP host to use for sending email.
EMAIL_PORT 25 Port to use for the SMTP server defined in EMAIL_HOST.
LANGUAGE_CODE en-us Django language. Doc
TIME_ZONE Europe/Paris Time zone of the server that host Squest service. Doc
DBBACKUP_CLEANUP_KEEP 5 Number of db backup file to keep Doc
DBBACKUP_CLEANUP_KEEP_MEDIA 5 Number of media backup tar to keep Doc
BACKUP_ENABLED False Switch to True to enable backup
BACKUP_CRONTAB 0 1 * * * Crontab line for backup. By default the backup is performed every day at 1AM
DOC_IMAGES_CLEANUP_ENABLED False Switch to True to enable automatic cleanup of ghost docs images from media folder
DOC_IMAGES_CLEANUP_CRONTAB 30 1 * * * Crontab line for ghost image cleanup. By default performed every day at 1:30 AM