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Contributing to the documentation

The documentation is written in markdown and then generated with mkdocs. Required libraries are installed if you've followed the development environment documentation of the project.

Graphs and diagrams are generated by the Mermaid library.

Update the documentation in the docs folder placed in the root of the project.

Run dev server locally to check the result

mkdocs serve -a

The page is available on

Send a pull request then to propose your changes to the project.


Reset your gh-pages branch to match the upstream

If you've built mkdocs and published a version in your fork for testing, your gh-pages branch will differ from the upstream repository.

To reset your local gh-pages, follow the procedure below:

# delete local branch
git branch -D gh-pages
# delete remote branch (fork here is your remote. Replace by origin if needed)
git push -d fork gh-pages
# checkout gh-pages
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
# pull last version (upstream is the remote name of the main repo)
git pull upstream gh-pages
# (optional) force push to your fork to override changes
git push -f fork gh-pages
# go back to your original branch
git checkout master