# Inventory group variables

# Group files

The following files, in the group_vars folder, contain variable definitions for each group of nodes. These group files facilitate more sophisticated settings, such as additional network interfaces.

File Description
group_vars/ranchernodes.yml Variables defined for all nodes in the [ranchernodes] group
group_vars/loadbalancer.yml Variables defined for all nodes in the [loadbalancer] group
group_vars/support.yml Variables defined for all nodes in the [support] group

# Overriding group variables

If you wish to configure individual nodes with different specifications to the ones defined by the group, it is possible to declare the same variables at the node level, overriding the group value. For example, if the default CPU and memory resource limits defined in for your Rancher nodes in the group_vars/ranchernodes.yml file are not sufficient, you can override these values in their respective hosts entries. For example, if these are the CPU, RAM, and disk limits specified at the group level:

cpus: '2'                           # Number of vCPUs
ram: '8192'                         # RAM size in MBs
disk1_size: '60'                    # Disk size in Gbs

you can override these values in the individual node entries in the hosts file:

hpe-rke1        ansible_host= cpus=8 ram=32768
hpe-rke2        ansible_host= cpus=8 ram=32768
hpe-rke3        ansible_host= cpus=8 ram=32768

# Common variables across all groups

The following variables apply to all node groups:

Variable Scope Description
cpus All nodes/groups Number of virtual CPU cores to assign to a VM or a group of VMs
ram All nodes/groups Amount of RAM in MB to assign to a VM or a group of VMs
disk1_size All nodes/groups Size of the disk in GB to attach to a VM or a group of VMs.