# Sample vars file

A sample vars.yml file is provided named group_vars/all/vars.yml.sample that you can use as a model for your own vars file. To create a vars.yml file, you create a new file called group_vars/all/vars.yml and add entries based on the descriptions in the preceding sections. A sample vars.yml file is shown below for convenience.


rancher_subnet:                            # subnet to use on the 'vm_portgroup' VLAN
gateway: ''                                    # gateway for the above subnet (see your net admin)
ntp_servers: ['']                                # List of NTP servers
dns_servers: ['','']               # list of DNS servers
dns_suffixes: ['am2.cloudra.local','hpe.org']             # list of DNS suffixes

# DHCP related settings
dhcp_subnet:                               # subnet to use on the above VLAN (see your net admin)
dhcp_range: ''                 # DHCP range to use on the above VLAN (see your net admin)
dhcp_default_lease_time: 86400                            # DHCP default lease time (24 hours)
dhcp_max_lease_time: 2592000                              # DHCP maximum lease time (30 days)
domain_name: hpe.org                                      # DNS domain name

# vcenter related settings
vcenter_hostname: vcentergen10.am2.cloudra.local          # name of your vCenter server
vcenter_username: Administrator@vsphere.local             # Admin user for your vCenter environment
vcenter_password: "{{ vault_vcenter_password }}"          # Encrypted in group_vars/all/vault.yml
vcenter_validate_certs: false                             # true not implemented/tested
vcenter_cluster: OCP                                      # Name of your SimpliVity Cluster (must exist)
vm_dvswitch: dvsMgmt2960                                  # Distributed Virtual Switch containing vm_portgroup (must exist)
vm_portgroup: hpe2964                                     # portgroup that the VMS connect to (must exist)
datacenter: DEVOPS                                        # Name of your DATACENTER (must exist)
datastore: hpeRancher                                     # Datastore where the VMs are landed
datastore_size: 1024                                      # size in GiB of the VM datastore, only applies if the playbook creates the datastore
cluster_name: hpe                                         # Name of the K8S Cluster. A VM folder with the same name is created if needed

# folders, templates and OVAs, templates are created using the corresponding OVA if they cannot be found (and only if they cannot be found)
user_folder: hpe                                          # folder and pool name for the user cluster VMs, created if they are not found
admin_folder: hpeRancher                                  # Folder and pool name for Rancher Cluster VMs and  Templates
admin_template: hpe-ubuntu-tpl
#admin_template: hpe-centos-tpl

# Public key to use for login in the rancher nodes (the VM hosting the Rancher Cluster)
ssh_key: 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDUAPiKRsniRNFeAsbwxY1/dfAG6Bhhsc+Z45j3Cn+K6rQ06L8sVvCCVglzL0uXjhAoVwaapMDSpYNTUOy4ukvSq99Cil97UdKQxV9nPkhghjFGMt3XIHeddX994F0Ma5W/6Y/fKWOuPRsoV+3bj4LmAK634ISmEAEYdh4mbczSsLTDTQcafREnzTJGAlx4GqFiHr1isK+CWLEFcJGbjbULgtJGGkprfMX/UZS0LNV5QYGiiw5/jkQQZ6jl7aKJwaRT/4jlW8Jbg4YbPddUnicxOeVDmU2lpi42S4lBxJC5f9VH8S9NzdcX43R5dleRjKdtEbMRFhsBlx7vkvRJ2upx core@hpe-ansible'

# CSI Storage plugin
csi_datastore_name: hpecsi
csi_storageclass_name: csivols
csi_datastore_size: 20
csi_driver: vsphere

# SimpliVity
simplivity_validate_certs: false

  http:  ""     #  http:  "http://user:password@"
  https:  ""
  except: "localhost,.am2.cloudra.local,.hpe.org,"

  url: https://rancher.hpe.org    # this the FQDN at which Rancher Server can be reached
  hostname: rancher.hpe.org       # generally same fqdn as the one in the url above but not necessarily
  version: 2.3.6                  # version of rancher server 2.3.6 tested, defaults to 'latest' in rancher-stable
  validate_certs: False           #
  apiversion: v3                  # Playbooks designed for v3 of the API
  engineInstallURL: 'https://releases.rancher.com/install-docker/19.03.sh'    # All node templates use the same version of Docker
# If user supplied certificate wanted
#  tls_source: secret                               # either rancher or secret, letsEncrypt unsupported (See doc), rancher is the default
#  tls_privateCA: true                              # if using a private root CA, default is false (ie you use a public root CA)
#  tls_cacert_file: /home/core/certs/cacerts.pem    # file containing the root CA certificate. Relevant if tls_privateCA is true
#  tls_certchain_file: /home/core/certs/cachain.pem # file containing the server certificate followed by the intermediate CA certs (if any)
#  tls_certkey_file: /home/core/certs/tlskey.pem    # file containing the private key for the Rancher server

# vm_template: hpe-ubuntu-tpl     # an existing VM template, the admin template by default
  name: api                       # name of the user cluster
  csi: false
  vcenter_credsname: mycreds2     # only one vCenter cluster supported at this time
   - name: master-pool
     etcd: true
     master: true
     worker: false
     count: 1
     hostPrefix: hpe-mas
       name: master-node
       cpu_count: 2
       disk_size: 20000
       memory_size: 8192
   - name: worker-pool
     etcd: false
     master: false
     worker: true
     count: 2
     hostPrefix: hpe-wrk
       name: worker-node
       cpu_count: 2
       disk_size: 40000
       memory_size: 4096

# Active Directory Integration
#ad_ca_file: "path to your AD CA certificate in pem format"                # A default file is provided in playbooks/roles/ad-auth/files/ca.pem
ad_login_domain: AM2                                                      # Name of the AD Domain
ad_server_name: mars-adds.am2.cloudra.local                               # Name of the AD Server
ad_service_account_username: adreader                                     # AD service account username
ad_service_account_password: "{{ vault_ad_service_account_password }}"    # AD service account password
ad_tls: true                                                              # Use TLS for AD
ad_port: 636                                                              # Port number to access AD service
ad_group_search_base: ""                                                  # Search base string used for group lookups
ad_group_search_filter: ""                                                # Search filter for group lookups
ad_user_search_base: "cn=Users,dc=am2,dc=cloudra,dc=local"                # Search base string used for user lookups
ad_user_search_filter: ""                                                 # Search filer for user lookups

# Loadbalancer Variables
    vrrp_router_id: 51
    nginx_max_fails: 1
    nginx_fail_timeout: 10s
    nginx_proxy_timeout: 10m
    nginx_proxy_connect_timeout: 60s