# Rancher user cluster configuration

Once the admin cluster has been deployed and Rancher server has been installed, the playbooks deploy a user cluster based on the following configuration.

# General config for user cluster

Variable File Description
user_folder group_vars/all/vars.yml Folder and pool name for the user cluster VMs
user_cluster.name group_vars/all/vars.yml The name of the user cluster
user_cluster.vcenter_credsname group_vars/all/vars.yml The name given to the generated Cloud Credentials
user_cluster.csi group_vars/all/vars.yml Boolean. Set to true to configure the CSI driver on the user cluster
user_cluster.vm_template group_vars/all/vars.yml The VM template to use when creating the nodes in the user cluster.
Defaults to the admin template if none specified.

If you want to use a different template for the user cluster and want to enable CSI support, be sure to set the user_cluster.vm_template variable to an appropriate VM template that is available in the vSphere instance and is using hardware compatibility version 15.

For more information on configuring the CSI driver for a user cluster, see the section Container Storage Interface (CSI) configuration.

The following figure shows the generated cloud credentials in the UI, accessed via your profile:

"Cloud credentials"

Figure. Cloud credentials

# Configuration of pools

user_cluster.pools is an array of pool configurations, with typically one pool specified for master nodes, and one pool for worker nodes. Note that the cluster must have at least one master node, one etcd node and one worker node.

The configuration variables used within each pool definition are detailed below.

Variable File Description
name group_vars/all/vars.yml The name of the pool, for example master-pool or worker-pool
etcd group_vars/all/vars.yml Boolean.true if you want etcd to run on nodes in this pool
master group_vars/all/vars.yml Boolean.true if you want the nodes in this pool to be master nodes
worker group_vars/all/vars.yml Boolean.true if you want the nodes in this pool to be worker nodes
Note that a node can act as both a master and a worker node
count group_vars/all/vars.yml Number of nodes of this type to create.
hostPrefix group_vars/all/vars.yml The prefix used to identify these nodes as belonging to this pool
Typically, you will specify a different prefix for master and worker nodes

# Node templates

For each pool, a node template can be specified with resource configuration appropriate to the node type of the pool.

Variable File Description
node_template.name group_vars/all/vars.yml The name of the generated node template
node_template.cpu_count group_vars/all/vars.yml The number of virtual CPUs for the node
node_template.disk_size group_vars/all/vars.yml The size of disk in MB to create for the node
node_template.memory_size group_vars/all/vars.yml The size of RAM in MB

The following figure shows the generated node templates in the UI, accessed via your profile:

"Node templates"

Figure. Node templates

# Sample user cluster definition

The sample definition has one master pool, with a single node containing the master and etcd components. There is also a single worker pool, with 2 nodes that only run worker components. In this example, the VM template is commented out, so the default is to use the same template as that used for the Rancher admin cluster.

# vm_template: hpe-ubuntu-tpl
  name: api
  csi: false
  vcenter_credsname: gmcg-creds
   - name: master-pool
     etcd: true
     master: true
     worker: false
     count: 1
     hostPrefix: hpe-mas
       name: master-node
       cpu_count: 2
       disk_size: 20000
       memory_size: 8192
   - name: worker-pool
     etcd: false
     master: false
     worker: true
     count: 2
     hostPrefix: hpe-wrk
       name: worker-node
       cpu_count: 2
       disk_size: 40000
       memory_size: 4096