# Networking configuration

The variables used for network configuration include:

Variable File Description
rancher_subnet group_vars/all/vars.yml The scope of IP addresses which you can use on the Rancher VLAN
vm_portgroup group_vars/all/vars.yml The Rancher VLAN is a vCenter portgroup in your virtual infrastructure which connects all the virtual machines that this solution deploys
gateway group_vars/all/vars.yml Gateway for the Rancher VLAN. For example, ''
ntp_servers group_vars/all/vars.yml List of NTP servers to be used, in list format. For example, ['','0.us.pool.net.org'...]
dns_servers group_vars/all/vars.yml List of DNS servers to be used, in list format. For example, ['',''...]

The DNS services deployed by the solution forwards unresolved requests to these DNS servers.
dns_suffixes group_vars/all/vars.yml List of DNS suffixes

The variables used to configure the DHCP service on a support VM include:

Variable File Description
dhcp_subnet group_vars/all/vars.yml Subnet used by the playbooks to create a DHCP range on the above VLAN. For example,
dhcp_range group_vars/all/vars.yml DHCP range to use on the above VLAN
dhcp_default_lease_time group_vars/all/vars.yml DHCP default lease time. Default is 86400 (24 hours)
dhcp_max_lease_time group_vars/all/vars.yml DHCP maximum lease time. Default is 2592000 (30 days)
domain_name group_vars/all/vars.yml DNS domain name for cluster. For example, rancher-demo.org

The dhcp_subnet variable denotes the subnet where DHCP leases will be provided. This is normally the same subnet as rancher_subnet.

The dhcp_range variable configures the range of IP addresses that will be given out by the DHCP server. This range needs to include sufficient addresses to satisfy any nodes created using node templates, such as user clusters.

The dhcp_default_lease_time and dhcp_max_lease_time variables specify the minimum and maximum times in seconds for DHCP leases to remain valid. In the provided sample file, the default lease time is 86400 seconds or 24 hours. The maximum lease time is 2592000 seconds, or 30 days. You should use values that will ensure your Kubernetes cluster nodes are not changing IP addresses. You could specify an indefinite lease time but that would likely result in exhausting your dhcp_range addresses.

The domain_name variable denotes the DNS domain name used for the rancher/DHCP subnet.

# SSH configuration

Variable File Description
ssh_key group_vars/all/vars.yml SSH public key for which you have the corresponding SSH private key. Currently the playbooks use the default ID of the user who is running the playbook. So, the SSH public key to specify here is the one in the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub