# Admin cluster and Rancher server configuration

The playbooks deploy an admin cluster and a separate user cluster. The user cluster is deployed from the Rancher server installed on the admin cluster and the configuration for the user cluster is documented here.

The nodes in the admin cluster are determined by the entries in the hosts file and are provisioned by the playbooks based on the configuration in this section.

General configuration variables are shown in the table below:

Variable File Description
cluster_name group_vars/all/vars.yml Name of the K8S admin cluster
admin_folder group_vars/all/vars.yml Folder and pool name for Rancher admin cluster VMs and templates
admin_template group_vars/all/vars.yml Name for the admin template

If the admin_template already exists, it is used when provisioning the VMs for the admin cluster and the load balancers. Otherwise, this template is created from the default Ubuntu OVA specified in the file playbooks/roles/kits/tasks/main.yml and then used when provisioning the VMs.

# Rancher configuration

Rancher configuration is specified using the rancher dictionary element in the group_vars/all/vars.yml file:

Variable File Description
rancher.url group_vars/all/vars.yml FQDN at which Rancher Server can be reached
rancher.hostname group_vars/all/vars.yml Usually the same FQDN as the one in rancher.url but not necessarily
rancher.validate_certs group_vars/all/vars.yml False
rancher.apiversion group_vars/all/vars.yml Playbooks designed for v3 of the API
rancher.engineInstallURL group_vars/all/vars.yml Location of script for installing Docker on all node templates

An example rancher structure is shown below:

  url: https://rancher.hpe.org
  hostname: rancher.hpe.org
  validate_certs: False
  apiversion: v3
  engineInstallURL: 'https://releases.rancher.com/install-docker/19.03.sh'

# SSL/TLS configuration

Rancher Server is designed to be secure by default and requires SSL/TLS configuration. There are three options for the source of the certificates:

  1. Rancher Generated Certificates
  2. Let's Encrypt
  3. Certificates from Files

These playbooks support option 1 and option 3. You specify which one to use by configuring the variable rancher.tls_source in group_vars/all/vars.yml. The accepted values are rancher for option 1, and secret for option 3. The default is rancher which means that the example above is equivalent to what is shown below:

  url: https://rancher.hpe.org
  hostname: rancher.hpe.org
  version: 2.3.6
  validate_certs: False
  apiversion: v3
  engineInstallURL: 'https://releases.rancher.com/install-docker/19.03.sh'
  tls_source: rancher

If you want to supply your own certificates, you need to set rancher.tls_source to secret and let the playbooks know where to find your certificates as shown in the example below:

  url: https://rancher.hpe.org
  hostname: rancher.hpe.org
  validate_certs: False
  apiversion: v3
  engineInstallURL: 'https://releases.rancher.com/install-docker/19.03.sh'
  tls_source: secret
  tls_privateCA: true
  tls_cacert_file: /home/core/certs/cacerts.pem
  tls_certchain_file: /home/core/certs/cachain.pem
  tls_certkey_file: /home/core/certs/tlskey.pem

The rancher.tls_privateCA variable is set to true if the certificates are signed by a private root Certificate Authority (root CA). In this case, you need to supply the certificate of the root CA using rancher.tls_cacert_file. In the example above, the root CA certificate was stored in /home/core/certs/cacerts.pem. Note that all certificates use the PEM format.

The certificate and key that the Rancher Server should used is specified with the variables rancher.tls_certchain_file and rancher.tls_certkey_file. These variables should be configured with the names of the files that contain the SSL certificate and key that the Rancher Server should use. Note that the file designated by rancher.tls_certchain_file contains the certificate of the Rancher Server itself, followed by the certificates of intermediate CAs if any.